Finnish expert: Harris made an irritated Trump waste time in the presidential debate | Foreign countries

Finnish expert Harris made an irritated Trump waste time in

One of the biggest points of interest in the debate was how Kamala Harris would fare in an interaction situation with Donald Trump.

According to the experts who visited in the morning, the US presidential election exam held early on Wednesday went well as expected from both candidates.

A researcher specializing in the United States at the Foreign Policy Institute by Maria Lindén according to the Democratic candidate Terrible for Harris it was important to stay calm. The Republican candidate tried the same thing Donald Trumpbut Harris clearly managed to annoy him.

– Harris said things that were certainly pre-planned to make Trump nervous, irritated and angry.

Among other things, Trump ended up talking about his own campaign events and how many participants there are. According to Lindén, such matters are of little importance to those voters who are still considering their position.

– He really wasted a lot of the time he could have used to convince these middle-of-the-road walkers.

Different expectations for candidates

Postdoctoral researcher at the John Morton Center of the University of Turku by Oscar Winberg there were clearly different expectations for the candidates.

Harris is seen as a traditional politician. On the other hand, one could even expect outright lies from Trump.

Greater interest is focused on how Harris will fare in an interaction situation with Trump.

– Against Trump, it’s always a little difficult when the other person speaks a little of his own. Especially in the beginning, Trump lied quite a lot.

Especially at the beginning of the debate, Trump made questionable claims, for example, that in some states abortions would be performed after the child is born.

According to Maria Lindén, Harris found a balance quite well in that he did not set out to refute every single misleading claim made by Trump.

Individual statements can make a big difference

After the argument, the superstar Taylor Swift said on her social media channels that she is giving her support to Kamala Harris.

Swift has a large and loyal following in the US, mostly made up of young women. Young women are believed to be an important group of voters in the November elections.

According to Winberg, it matters how the elections appear in voters’ social media content. Voting in the United States requires registration, and it is already useful to be aware of the approaching elections.

According to Lindén, in such a tight race, individual statements can have a huge impact.

– Many of those who are not convinced of either of these two candidates are young voters. Many young people are convinced of Taylor Swift.

Watch ‘s entire morning’s discussion on Areena:
