One of the best Leonardo DiCaprio films is a nearly 3-hour epic about a true legend

One of the best Leonardo DiCaprio films is a nearly

When Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese make a film, Great things can be expectedThere are few collaborations between directors and actors that have been more fruitful in recent years. From Gangs of New York to The Departed and The Wolf of Wall Street: great cinema is created here.

However, one of the best films of the two is often overlooked: Aviator. At first glance, the almost three-hour Howard Hughes biopic more cumbersome than the rapid rise and fall of Jordan Belfort or the cat-and-mouse game in the streets of Boston. But don’t let that put you off. Aviator is terrific.

Now on Netflix: Leonardo DiCaprio shines as Howard Hughes in Martin Scorsese’s Aviator

Aviator is dedicated to the life of Filmmaker and aircraft pioneer Howard Hughes, who was born in 1905 and inherited an enormous fortune from his father, invested this in his two great passions: on the one hand, moving images, and on the other, the adventures of aviation.

You can watch the trailer for Aviator here:

Aviator – Trailer (German)

As a successful and daring producer Huhges caused a stir in 1920s Hollywood with his visionary ideas, not to mention his affairs with actresses such as Jean Harlow (Gwen Stefani), Ava Gardner (Kate Beckinsale) and Katharine Hepburn (Cate Blanchett). And then there’s flying.

Brilliantly directed and superbly acted: Aviator is a highlight in the work of Scorsese and DiCaprio

Aviator introduces us to a man full of drive, who is ready to risk everything to make his dreams come true. DiCaprio completely immerses himself in the role. He shows us the visionary and dreamer, but also the Howard Hughes who, in the face of his larger than life ideas threatens to lose his mind.

Scorsese directs the film in such a thrilling way that the three hours fly by. Just like Howard Hughes, Aviator never rests. Scorsese skilfully captures the unfulfilled aspirations of his protagonist and lets unusual design of the film film history literally comes to life.
