Never-before-seen footage of John F. Kennedy has surfaced – showing the president on his way to the hospital after the shooting | News

Never before seen footage of John F Kennedy has surfaced showing

The shot shot on eight millimeter film is currently up for auction.

Several US media told about the new from never-before-seen footage regarding an assassinated president John F. Kennedy.

It’s about the situation captured on eight millimeter film, where Kennedy’s motorcade is accelerating on the Dallas freeway towards the hospital after the shooting.

In a clip lasting about ten seconds, a secret service agent Clint Hill – who famously jumped into the Lincoln Continental convertible used by the president when shots rang out – is standing upright protecting the president and his wife Jacqueline Kennedy.

– I didn’t know then that no more shots were coming. I thought there would be more when I got in the car, Hill said later.

After the shots were fired, the motorcade turned onto the 35 Freeway and sped toward Parkland Memorial Hospital, where Kennedy was pronounced dead.

The route was the same one the motorcade would have used anyway to carry Kennedy to his next speech.

The new footage kind of continues from what I was known for by Abraham Zapruder the film you are shooting ends.

The film was filmed by a driver named Dale Carpenter.

His grandson James Gates says that it was known in the family that the grandfather had a film from that time, but it was not often talked about. So there was no more detailed information about what was in the footage of the grandfather.

After his grandfather’s death, Gates got his hands on his remains and projected the film that was in the collection onto his bedroom wall in 2010 for the first time.

– It was shocking.

Now the film is up for auction by an American on the RR Auction website. By Tuesday evening, about $15,000 had been offered for the film.

– It’s a wonderful color and you can feel the speed of the car shown in the pictures, said the vice president of the auction chamber Bobby Livingston.

According to experts, the discovery is not surprising even more than 60 years after the assassination.

– Films and photographs are still found or rediscovered in attics or garages, said By Stephen Fagincurator of The Sixth Floor Museum in Dealey Plaza.

Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

According to official investigations, Kennedy was shot Lee Harvey Oswald. However, he never got to be heard in court, because he was shot by a Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby.

In Finland, the matter was previously reported, among other things Ilta-Sanomat.

Source: AP
