Spanish seizure: One million ecstasy tablets

Spanish seizure One million ecstasy tablets


  • Spanish seizure: One million ecstasy tablets

    Stock image of ecstasy tablets. Photo: Bullitt Marquez/AP/TT

    One million ecstasy tablets worth more than 25 million euros – the equivalent of more than 285 million kroner – have been seized by Spanish customs in the country’s largest seizure of synthetic pills ever.

    Nine people have been arrested in the southern city of Malaga and on the holiday island of Ibiza. They are suspected of belonging to one of the largest criminal networks involved in the drug market in Spain and in several parts of Europe, the police write in a statement.

    In addition to ecstasy, customs also found 73 kilograms of the drug MDMA, 212 kilograms of ketamine, 20 kilograms of cocaine and ten kilograms of hashish.


  • Bonnesen: “Should I go to prison”

    Swedbank’s former CEO Birgitte Bonnesen reacts strongly to the prison sentence against her.

    This is reported by SR Ekot.

    “Should I go to jail” the former CEO is said to have said, says her lawyer Per E Samuelson.

    Bonnesen was sentenced for serious fraud to one year and three months in prison.

    The Svea Court of Appeal announced this today.

    The verdict will be appealed, according to Ekot.

  • Boy threatened school staff with air gun

    A 15-year-old boy is suspected of having threatened at least one of the staff at a school in Mölndal.

    According to the police, the boy must have had an air pistol “with a possible bang effect”.

    The boy was found in a residence shortly after the incident, and is now arrested for aggravated unlawful threats.

    No one was injured in the incident.

  • USA: Russia has received weapons from Iran

    Photo: Alberto Pezzali / AP

    After a period of speculation, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken now claims that Iran has sent ballistic missiles to Russia, and that the weapons “will be used against Ukrainians within weeks”. That’s what The Guardian writes.

    “The development and increased cooperation between Russia and Iran threatens European security and shows how Iran’s destabilizing influence extends far beyond the Middle East,” he says.

    The US will now impose increased sanctions on Iran.

    Following the statement, France, Germany and Britain jointly condemned Iran’s actions and said they would take immediate action to terminate aviation agreements with Iran and impose sanctions on Iran Air.

  • Designated gang leader in custody

    The man had been internationally wanted for three years when he was arrested at Arlanda on Saturday.

    Now the man, who is in his 30s and has been singled out by the police as one of the leaders of the so-called Backan network in Gothenburg, has been arrested on suspicion of serious drug offences, reports P4 Gothenburg.

    He denies any wrongdoing.

  • Man with cloak and bow was taken by police

    The police in Västerås moved out after an alarm that a man with a cloak and a bow had been seen in town.

    The man was not found at first, but the police later received a tip that he was supposed to be on a bus. They then continued the hunt and soon found the man. He was then suspected of violating the Weapons Act, gross violation of the Knife Act and minor use of narcotics. The man was taken by the police for sampling.

    During the police’s work, they became aware that there is a robbery going on in Västerås.

  • Bed is on E6

    The police have been alerted by several callers that there is a bed in the middle of the road on the E6 outside Kungsbacka.

    – It must include a mattress and legs on the road. I assume it’s bed legs, says police spokesperson August Brandt.

    How the bed ended up there is still unknown. Traffic past the site is affected to some extent, according to the police.

  • Alarm about accident with sailboat

    At 2:30 p.m. there was an alarm that a sailboat had taken on water and capsized outside Kåseberga in southern Scania.

    – It’s a caller who says they saw a sailboat capsize. We haven’t found anything, but the search is still on, says Mattias Cederblad at the rescue service Syd.

    The rescue service is on site with two stations and is searching with drones. The sea rescue is on its way to the scene.

    It is unclear how many people were in the boat.

  • Closes own company: Has started following the law

    The newspaper house in Marieberg, Stockholm, with the DN scraper. Archive image. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

    The Bonnier-owned staffing company Marieberg Media is closed down. The company hires out journalists to various newsrooms in the country, mainly in the Stockholm area. Among others, Expressen and Dagens Nyheter, also owned by Bonnier, have used Marieberg employees for many years.

    In an email to the employees that TT has seen, it is stated that Marieberg’s customers need “new digital skills and perspectives” and that “Marieberg Media’s current competencies do not fully reflect the demands and expectations set by today’s increasingly digital media landscape.”

    According to the industry newspaper Journalisten, a contributing reason for the closure is that since last spring Marieberg Media has started to comply with the law on employment protection. In short, media companies such as Expressen and DN can no longer handpick which temporary workers they want.

    About 50 permanent employees are affected by the closure, according to The journalist.

  • Swedbank’s former CEO is sentenced to prison

    Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

    Former Swedbank CEO Birgitte Bonnesen is sentenced to one year and three months in prison for serious fraud, Svea Hovrätt announces.

    The case concerns a series of public statements that Bonnesen made in 2018 and 2019, linked to the money laundering scandal that overshadowed the big bank at the time.

    Read more here.

  • Swede in custody – drove explosives to Denmark

    A Swedish teenager has been arrested, suspected of transporting 4.4 kilograms of explosives from Sweden to Denmark. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    A 17-year-old Swedish boy is suspected of transporting 4.4 kilos of plastic explosives from Sweden to Denmark.

    On Tuesday, the boy was detained for four weeks in Denmark, according to prosecutor Daniel Dokkedahl. The 17-year-old denies any crime.

    Since before, two men, 19 and 20 years old, have been detained in the case. They are suspected of attempted murder because Danish police believe that the plan was to detonate a bomb in Odense in December.

  • Burglary against churches – the police suspect gangs

    Over the course of two nights, five churches have been subjected to burglaries in Skaraborg. Now the police suspect that a league is ravaging the city, reports SVT Nyheter Väst.

    On Monday, a church was subjected to theft and vandalism.

    – It would have been good if they could use their creativity for something else. We suspect that they entered before our time lock started, so we are checking whether we should start closing earlier in the evenings, says vicar Leif Nordlander.

  • Car giant profit alerts

    Auto giant BMW is warning profits after being forced to recall 1.5 million vehicles due to a brake fault.

    BMW now expects a markedly lower profit than it expected a year ago. The company expects an operating margin of 6 percent, as opposed to 8 to 10 percent according to the previous forecast.

  • Prison for rape of prostitutes

    The suspect was caught on surveillance camera before one of several robberies he allegedly committed against prostituted women in the Stockholm area in the winter of 2024. Photo: Police

    A man in his 40s is sentenced to seven years and ten months in prison for two aggravated rapes and three robberies against prostituted women in the Stockholm area, Solna District Court writes in a press release.

    The man must have come into contact with the women through various prostitution and escort sites. He is judged against his denial.

  • Well-known police officer is sentenced for misconduct

    A well-known police officer who featured a lot in the media was indicted in July for gross misconduct, unlawful disposal and breach of confidentiality.

    He is now being sentenced in the Västmanland District Court for misconduct and unlawful disposal, but is acquitted of breaching the duty of confidentiality.

    The police are sentenced to daily fines.

    He was charged with having avoided reporting a serious drug crime at a location in Stockholm.

    The illegal disposal concerned a protective vest, which the police allegedly gave to a person who is suspected of serious drug offences.

    “The act has caused serious damage to public and private interest”, the prosecutor has previously written.

    The prosecutor also said that he must have disclosed information via his phone that he was obliged to keep secret.

    The policeman’s colleague was also charged on suspicion of gross misconduct. He is fully acquitted.

    Both policemen have denied any wrongdoing throughout the process.

    Read more here.

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