Shooting at an apartment in Stockholm

Shooting at an apartment in Stockholm

Updated 01.43 | Published 00.49




full screen An apartment in Mariehäll was fired upon on Monday evening. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

An apartment in Mariehäll in Stockholm was fired upon with several shots during Monday evening.

Police were called to the scene at 11 pm after discovering that at least one shot had been fired at the apartment in the multi-family building.

– When we arrived at the scene, it emerged that traces were found that indicate that at least one shot had been fired at the apartment door, says Anna Westberg, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police.

Several people were in the apartment during the evening but no one was injured.

– They hardly noticed that it was shot at the door, so we don’t know exactly when it happened, but probably during the evening, says Anna Westberg.

Several police patrols are at the scene during the night and a technical investigation is to be carried out. A preliminary investigation into serious weapons crime and attempted murder has been launched.
