What are the benefits of fennel? What is fennel good for? Fresh fennel benefits

Fennel is a seasonal plant and is known for being very beneficial, not only for medicinal purposes but also for adding flavor. Each of its tea, powder, and dried forms can be used for different benefits and in many areas. However, excessive use or unconscious consumption can cause various health problems or side effects. Therefore, it should not be used without consulting a doctor or receiving approval from a specialist. Otherwise, many foods known to be extremely beneficial can become harmful.

What is fennel and how is it used?

Fennel plant, which can be used in many different areas from its leaves to its seeds and is known for its benefits, is best known for its tea. It has yellow flowers and its taste is similar to licorice root. It has a very long history. It can be used in eating and drinking from its flower to its bulb, as well as in the production processes of medical products. Fennel, which is an extremely rich source of minerals and vitamins, can sometimes be recommended by doctors. Fennel, which is from the family that includes plants such as dill, celery, and carrots, is also known for its spice form. It is also used in cosmetic products. Fresh fennel benefits are also diverse.

It is known that fennel, which is an annual, pleasant-smelling, and popular plant with its flavor, has been used since ancient times. Volatile fatty acids can also be obtained from its seeds, which are considered as spices. With this feature, it is also a plant that can be used in the processes of various drugs and disease treatments.

What are the benefits of fennel?

There are 2 main types of fennel. One is herb fennel and the other is florence. Both types have different licorice and anise flavors. Harvesting conditions also differ between the two different types of fennel. In order to benefit from the seeds of this plant, it is necessary to wait for the flowering period. The florence type of fennel should be harvested when the bulbs are approximately the size of a tennis ball.

The plant fennel species is grown for its aromatic stems, seeds and leaves that are very long in size. The seeds of this fennel are delicious and have impressive health-giving properties. The yellow flower clusters appear in late summer. The seeds, stems and leaves can also be harvested and used during this period. A fennel plant can grow to a height of 3 to 5 meters.

Some of the benefits of fennel, which is beneficial to health in different areas with its different forms, are:

  • It increases bowel movements.
  • Reduces symptoms of colic in babies.
  • It activates the metabolism.
  • It has a natural diuretic effect.
  • It helps to increase breast milk.
  • It protects the body against fungal, bacterial and viral infections.
  • It prevents tooth decay.
  • It soothes the skin.
  • It provides the secretion of melatonin.
  • It is good for eye health.

What is fennel good for?

Although fennel is very beneficial, if consumed unconsciously and without consulting a doctor, there may be some side effects. Although it is generally known that it does not have many side effects, it is important to ask a doctor, especially if it is used for children. Whatever the discomfort is, you should first go to the relevant specialist and act according to the doctor’s instructions. If you do not pay attention, some side effects that may be seen and may vary depending on both age and constitution may be:

  • For pregnant women, it may adversely affect fetal development.
  • Celery can trigger allergic reactions in people who are allergic to plants and vegetables from the same family, such as carrots.
  • It may cause stomach problems.
  • Excessive use can negatively affect the digestive system.

Some of the problems and discomforts that are known to be beneficial as long as it is used carefully and under the supervision of a doctor are as follows:

  • Constipation
  • Gas
  • Swelling
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Lack of breast milk
  • Urinary problems
  • Hypertension
  • Stomach problems
  • Oral health problems
  • Spasm
  • Sleep problems
  • Stress
  • Pale skin

How to consume fennel?

Fennel, which can be used in different forms, is mostly consumed in the form of tea. Fennel tea, which is also beneficial in its fresh or dried form, can be prepared by brewing 2 teaspoons of ground fennel in 1 glass of boiling water.

If consumed as tea, it is recommended not to drink more than 2 cups during the day. However, it should not be used without consulting a doctor. It can also be added to meals, salads or soups in dried form.

Important note: This content is not medical advice. The contents are for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical problem. If you have a medical problem, please consult your doctor.
