Larian was never able to release a feature in Baldur’s Gate 3, but now it’s in the game anyway

Although Baldur’s Gate 3 wants to give you as much freedom as possible, there is one thing you have never been able to do: create your own levels and campaigns. Since patch 7, this has been possible – but only indirectly.

What kind of feature is this?

  • The level and campaign editor is a feature that allows you to create a completely unique world.
  • Larian has integrated this option in games before, such as Divinity: Original Sin 2. However, this was not possible in Baldur’s Gate 3 due to “technical limitations and platform-specific guidelines,” according to the statement.
  • Now Larian has released full mod support for Baldur’s Gate 3 with Patch 7 – without a level editor. However, a few fans have cracked the program.
  • This is now possible: Just a few days after the release of Patch 7, a mod has appeared that can unlock various developer tools, including the level and campaign editor (via Reddit).

    Translated, this means: From now on, you can no longer just play the story of Baldur’s Gate 3, but also master your own campaign, possibly even with other players, or play the stories of other fans.

    It is still unclear whether this option will be retained, as the feature is not officially “allowed.” After all, there is a lot of content behind Dungeons & Dragons that you actually have to pay for. It remains to be seen how rights holder Hasbro will react here.

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    “Dragon Age: Origins Remake, let’s gooo!”

    The new options have been extremely well received by the community. The news alone that the level editor is now open received over 29,000 upvotes within a few hours (via Reddit).

    The fans already know exactly what they can do with it. In a thread on Reddit, the creator calls for a remake of Dragon Age: Origins, which was released in 2009. In over 1,000 comments, there are also a ton of other ideas.

    At the top of the list are apparently fan-made DLCs. Players have been wanting an expansion for Baldur’s Gate 3 since its release, and Larian even worked on a DLC, but then decided against it.

    Now it is possible for players to create new content for the game themselves. What exactly will come out of it remains to be seen, but it will most likely be a lot of dirty stuff… As for the remake of Dragon Age: Origins, that would probably take a while. But part 4 is coming soon: Dragon Age: The Veilguard – everything about the release, release date, collector’s edition, factions and companions
