What is the hepatitis B vaccine? Is it mandatory? Who should get the hepatitis B vaccine and when?

In the future, when the body encounters the Hepatitis B virus, these antibodies quickly destroy the virus and prevent the risk of infection.

Is hepatitis B vaccination mandatory?

Hepatitis B vaccine is included in the scope of mandatory vaccination in many countries. In Turkey, Hepatitis B vaccine is one of the mandatory vaccines during infancy. Hepatitis B vaccine aims to protect babies and children from the hepatitis B virus.

The main reason why it is mandatory is to reduce the rate of hepatitis B virus carriers and to protect public health. In cases where hepatitis B vaccination is not administered, the rate of serious illnesses that even result in death is quite high.

Who can get the Hepatitis B vaccine?

A list of those who are vaccinated against Hepatitis B can be made as follows:

  • Newborn babies: The vaccine is generally administered immediately after birth. The World Health Organization recommends that newborn babies receive the first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours.
  • Children: The second dose of the vaccine in the childhood vaccination schedule is administered after the first month, and the third dose is administered after the sixth month.
  • Adults: Hepatitis B vaccine is administered to healthcare workers, those who have been in contact with Hepatitis B carriers, those at risk of sexually transmitted infections, and adults with weakened immune systems.

When is the hepatitis B vaccine given?

Like many vaccines, the Hepatitis B vaccine has time periods when it should be administered. The Hepatitis B vaccine determined by the World Health Organization is a vaccine administered in 3 doses. The first dose of vaccine is administered immediately after birth or during the first visit. The second dose of vaccine is administered 1 month after the first dose. Finally, the third dose of vaccine is administered 6 months after the first dose.

A baby vaccinated against hepatitis B will have lifelong immunity to this virus. However, if this vaccine is not administered, the virus carries the risk of being transmitted through different routes. If the vaccine is not administered during infancy, it can be administered during adulthood. In this way, liver health can be protected even if it is late. A similar vaccination schedule is applied for adults and groups at risk.

What are the side effects of the hepatitis B vaccine?

As with every vaccine group, some side effects occur after the hepatitis B vaccine is administered. Hepatitis B vaccine side effects can be listed as follows:

  • Redness and pain in the vaccination area,
  • A mild fever,
  • Fatigue and headache,
  • Feeling of weakness and restlessness,
  • Allergic reactions, although the incidence is quite low.

Hepatitis B vaccine during pregnancy

Hepatitis B vaccination during pregnancy is a vaccine recommended in certain cases. This vaccine, which aims to protect both the mother and the unborn baby from the virus, should be taken into consideration when administering it during pregnancy. A mother who has the Hepatitis B virus during pregnancy carries the risk of transmitting the virus to her baby during birth. In this context, the Hepatitis B vaccine is important and should be administered for mothers who are at risk of infection during pregnancy. Since it is among the vaccines considered safe during pregnancy, it does not have a negative effect on the fetus.
