Le Pen: the compass is broken… and the voter is lost – L’Express

Le Pen the compass is broken… and the voter is

In the public sphere, the confusion of values ​​is even worse than that of feelings. During presidential campaigns, the quest for sponsorships often turns into a psychodrama: would a Le Pen be deprived by the system of the right to run? This year, between the two rounds of the legislative elections, all the parties, in the name of the republican front, are joining forces to sideline the RN candidates, even if it means absolving certain very un-republican excesses of La France Insoumise: we close our eyes after holding our noses, which does not facilitate a better perception of reality.

Two months later, Emmanuel Macron asked Marine Le Pen to validate Michel Barnier’s name. “The President of the Republic took into account, in any case, the criteria set by the National Rally in his choice of Prime Minister,” indicates to The Tribune Sunday the new kingmaker. And the citizen remains speechless. “Basically, as head of state, Albert Lebrun lacked two things: that he be a leader; that there be a state”: we know the famous words of General de Gaulle. For Marine Le Pen to be the arbiter of elegance, she would still have to be an arbiter and elegance would dominate the debates.

READ ALSO: Will the RN censor Michel Barnier? Marine Le Pen’s conditions… and her strategy

How to consider and therefore how to treat the RN? A few months ago, Emmanuel Macron, who had invited representatives of all parties, and therefore Jordan Bardella, to the meetings in Saint-Denis, nevertheless indicated that he had “never considered that [ce parti] was part of the republican arc”. He thus contested the analysis of his Prime Minister at the time, Gabriel Attal, according to whom “the republican arc is the Hemicycle”. But it is Marine Le Pen that the president asks to validate the choice of a Prime Minister?

READ ALSO: Michel Barnier and immigration: the journey of a convert to radical positions

On television on July 23, after the RN had collected almost 11 million votes in the first round of the legislative elections, the head of state was upset by the absence of RN deputies in the bureau of the Assembly, emphasizing “that there are no sub-deputies”. Because they were in the spotlight, his own camp and the left wanted to have clean hands. But in 2023, when it came to renewing the bureau in which RN representatives appeared, no one issued the slightest protest. Our compass is broken. We have lost the voter of good faith.
