Salaries, remuneration, fortune: how much does Michel Barnier earn?

Salaries remuneration fortune how much does Michel Barnier earn

Prime Minister Michel Barnier will benefit from a salary of the same caliber as that of the head of state. Other advantages are also planned for the tenant of Matignon.

Newly appointed Prime Minister, Michel Barnier is now tasked with forming a government, which is no easy task. And the position of head of government grants him several advantages, particularly financial ones. He will pocket, each month, a higher salary than any other minister. In addition, other advantages are inherent to the position of Prime Minister, including several bonuses, and two favors in terms of housing. As a reminder, as for any political leader, Michel Barnier will have to quickly declare his income and assets to the High Authority for Transparency in Political Life (HATVP).

A monthly salary of more than 16,000 euros

While Michel Barnier will benefit from the highest salary of all ministers, it is important to remember that the remuneration of a minister has been revised downwards since François Hollande’s mandate. In 2012, the former President of the Republic had committed to reducing his salary by 30%, as well as that of his ministers.

As with any civil servant, Michel Barnier’s salary is calculated based on the value of the civil servants’ index point as well as the index scale. In addition, senior government positions – which include the position of Prime Minister – are eligible for the highest scale. Michel Barnier’s position is therefore classified as “off scale”.

Since the last increase in the civil servants’ index point, the French Prime Minister has been receiving a salary of 12,457 euros. In other words, the same remuneration as that of the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron. But that’s not all. This basic salary is supplemented by a 3% residence allowance, so 374 euros are added to Michel Barnier’s basic salary. In addition, the function allowance corresponding to 25% of the basic salary is added, i.e. an additional 3,208 euros. In total, Michel Barnier’s gross monthly salary will reach 16,039 euros.

Prime and castle in Essonne

The new Prime Minister will also be able to benefit from a severance pay corresponding to three months’ salary, or 47,700 euros gross. This is due if the latter does not have an income during the three months following his departure from Matignon. His representation expenses are also covered during his term, if they are “directly linked to the exercise of ministerial functions”. The envelope allocated to his expenses cannot exceed 150,000 euros per year.

The benefits granted to the Prime Minister do not stop there. He also benefits from two residences: the Hôtel de Matignon located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, it is his workplace. As well as the Château de Souzy-la-Briche, a residence located in the department of Essonne, entirely made available to the head of government during his mandate.

Michel Barnier also enjoys an armoured company car with driver as well as free transport on the entire SNCF network, in first class. His right to a company car with driver is effective without time limit, even at the end of his term. Finally, a private secretary is offered to him for a period of ten years after his departure from Matignon.
