Final preparations before the Trump-Harris debate on September 10

Final preparations before the Trump Harris debate on September 10

In the United States, tomorrow, September 10, the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris takes place. The first face-off of this presidential campaign between the two candidates, just under two months before the election. A debate for which both camps have been preparing for weeks.

2 min

With our correspondent in New York, Loubna Anaki

The September 10 debate will be one of the most decisive moments of the presidential campaign in UNITED STATES and each side has its own way of preparing for it.

On the side of Donald Trumpit is in the form of ” political meetings “There is no question of discussing debate preparation in the Republican’s entourage. The former president sits around a table with his advisers who ask him questions or remind him of the results of his term in the White House.

Donald Trump’s advisers hope that he will stick to policy issues without resorting to misogynistic, racist remarks or long, rambling answers. They are keen to avoid the image of a Trump who is too aggressive and chaotic.

A different method for Kamala Harris

In the camp of Kamala Harristhe preparation is more studious. It takes place in a hotel where the Democrat’s team has installed a replica of the studio where the debate is to take place and one of her advisers even plays the role of Donald Trump.

The vice president hasn’t had to debate her record or policies since she ran in the Democratic primary more than four years ago. Her team is hoping she can nail down her platform and score points against Donald Trump in what remains a close race.

The two candidates are neck and neck in the polls

Two days before their TV duelKamala Harris and Donald Trump remain neck and neck in new polls released Sunday, September 8, making the American presidential election of November 5 still undecided. The Republican billionaire, who presents himself as the champion of downgraded Americans who are victims of inflation, remains in a position to become president of the United States again in January 2025, despite his legal troubles and the chaos that surrounded his departure from the White House in 2021.

For her part, Kamala Harris, who remobilized the Democratic camp after her late entry into the campaign to replace Joe Biden, is also in a position to win according to these polls. At the national level, Donald Trump, 78, is just one point ahead of the vice president of the United States (48% against 47), according to a New York Times/Siena College study conducted from September 3 to 6, a gap too close to establish a trend.

Also listen toCan Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump?
