Germany calls for peace in Ukraine amid tense political climate

Germany calls for peace in Ukraine amid tense political climate

The German Chancellor calls for intensifying diplomatic efforts to achieve peace in Ukraine. In a 20-minute interview with ZDF on Saturday, September 7, he returned to the content of his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last Friday during his visit to Germany.

1 min

With our correspondent in Berlin, Ludovic Piedtenu

New air defense systems to be delivered in the coming months by theGermany as well as twelve tanks. With these announcements made on Friday, September 6, Berlin emphasizes its military support for theUkraine and Chancellor Scholz clarified: as long as it takes “.

Except that the budget for 2025, provided that it is voted by Parliament, plans to halve this strategic aidfrom 8 to 4 billion euros. Hence the need, according to Olaf Scholz, to put an end to this conflict. After the first peace conference last June in Switzerland, the time has come for a new summit.

Now is the time to discuss how we can get out of this war situation and achieve peace more quickly. There will undoubtedly be another peace conference, and President Zelensky and I agree that it must be held with Russia. “.

A message to multiple destinations

This is a message to Moscow, which had refused to participate in the first conference. It is also a message to German viewers, Olaf Scholz heard the results of the two regional elections that a week ago showed in the eastern part of Germany a growing rejection of military support for Ukraine.

With a year to go before the federal elections, if the Chancellor wants to save his position, a rapid end to this conflict could undoubtedly be to his advantage.

Also readIn Germany, Volodymyr Zelensky demands “more weapons” in the face of Russian pressure
