The Turku Sports Association won the Kaleva cup – Sibbo Vargarna and Lahten Ahkera are the best in the long messages of the WC | Sports in a nutshell

The Turku Sports Association won the Kaleva cup Sibbo

Kaleva’s cup is won annually by the club that collects the most SC points in the Finnish outdoor track championships.

The Turku Sports Association collected 417 points. Lahten Ahkera, who won the competition a year ago, was second with 382 points, and Jyväskylä Kenttäurheilijat was third with 366.5 points.

– Good luck to Turku Sports Association. Good and long-term work is being done in Turku, stated the chairman of the Finnish Sports Confederation Riikka Pakarinenwho was handing over Kaleva’s toast to the Turku Sports Association in Espoo.

Turku Sports Association’s previous Kaleva cup win was in 2013. Chairman of the association’s athletics division Rami Urhon behind the win is long-term work in the club’s everyday life.

Antti Leskinen works humbly and spares no effort in the day-to-day athletics of the club. He has managed to do things smartly and there is a good spirit in the club, a very good feeling, Urho praised the work done under the leadership of the club’s director of athletics Antti Leskinen.

According to Urho, the current line will be continued.

– This looks pretty good when you look at this club’s younger guard. We are fighting for Kaleva’s bowl in the coming years as well.

Antti Leskinen is on the same lines.

– In my opinion, Kaleva’s toast itself should not be sought after. We have to aim for the athletes to have a good mood and want to do things together and for the common good. If it succeeds, then Kaleva’s toast can come, Leskinen summed up.

The club that won the Kalevan Bowl competition receives a prize of 5,000 euros from the Sports Association.

Sipoo and Lahti are the best in 4×400 meters

Sibbo Vargarna took the championship in the men’s 4 x 400 meter relay with a time of 3:13.80 in the WC relay race on Sunday. The Finnish record for club teams is Kuhmon Kiva’s 3:10.69 from 1983.

– Then next summer, the people of Sipoo said in unison.

Alkutahdit gave a strong start to the victory, running a time of 47.6 Eljas Aalto. Mikael Granqvist ran the second leg, Matias Komi of the third, and stern Oliver Enqvist sealed the championship.

Helsinki Kisa-Veikot ran for silver with a time of 3:14.46 and the team Elias Jr, Matias Linkoaho, Niko Viljola and Simeon Vorselman.

The Jyväskylä Field Athletes ran a time of 3:15.00, which brought bronze with the team of Konsta Alatupa, Elmo Lakka, Santeri Kuusiniemi and Valtteri Keskinen.

The fastest section time was found by Oulu Pyrinnö, who ran sixth in the race, who won the B heat, whose anchor Samuel Purola got 46.8 for the share time.

Thureson enjoyed the atmosphere

On the women’s side, Lahti Ahkera won the 4 x 400 meter championship with a time of 3:41.00. The victory began to take shape before the last change, when Helmi Vuorimaa was able to make a decisive difference to his opponents. Anchor Milja Thureson got away in a safe lead before Aino from Pulkkiand JKU could no longer seriously threaten the victory of the people of Lahti.

The messages were the first for Thureson, because in his previous club in Turku Toverei, he didn’t get to experience the message atmosphere.

– I was baptized for these games yesterday. Nice to run as a team. Victory was on the horizon, even though we knew Jyväskylä would be tough, because we had a consistently strong team, Thureson said.

Ahkera’s gold team was Laura Loponen, Veera PeräläVuorimaa and Thureson.

The runners of the silver team of Jyväskylä Field Athletes and Osuusayat were Siiri Rainio, Heidi Salminen, Heini Ikonen and Aino Pulkkinen.

Helsingfors IFK team won bronze Teresa Perttilä, Hannah Anderson, Julia Raunio and Nea Mattilawho ended his sports career at these games.

Lappalainen from the bike to the post

Borgå Akilles ran fourth in the women’s relay. The second part of it was taken by the mailer Sara Lappalainenwho received 55.7 percent of his share time.

– I haven’t run much since my trip to the Olympics, but this week I went to the track again to try it out a bit. There has been a lot of cycling, which has dragged the legs to a standstill, Lappalainen said.

The break from running has been caused by Lappalainen’s health problems, which also ruined his Olympic competition.

– The girls lured me into the messages here. It was nice and I was happy to go along. One of the reasons I left was that our runners Nora Juslin and Amanda Liljendal end their sports careers for this competition.

Source: SUL
