Back to school, a challenge for single parents. How to organize yourself to avoid mental overload?

Back to school a challenge for single parents How to

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    In single-parent families, the start of the school year has a special flavor. Indeed, the single parent must manage the entire organization of this important moment themselves, combining this with their own professional obligations. How to avoid mental overload? Here are some tips.

    Buying school supplies, preparing meals, going back and forth to school… The start of the school year requires the resumption of a meticulous organization of the schedule. A mental burden that particularly affects single parents, forced to manage all of this themselves, sometimes without help (or almost) from their ex-partner.

    A third of single parents consider themselves “super managers”!

    The dating app dedicated to single parents, Even, has taken an interest in this phenomenon. A study conducted by IPSOS among 1,000 single parents shows that 31% of them consider themselves “super managers”. A label that they sometimes pay a high price for: in fact, 20% of them end up giving up, overwhelmed by so many responsibilities.

    To avoid reaching parental burnout, Marina Rossi, former single mother and founder of Noo Family, the first coaching platform that supports single parents on a daily basis, gives five tips.

    Anticipate to avoid overload

    A good way to lighten the mental load and not have a long “to do list” when you go back to school is to plan ahead.Proactive organization allows you to mentally unburden yourself, with the certainty that the little hazards of back-to-school are under control. To do this, provide a box of school supplies at home, regularly check your child’s bag, and prepare clothes the night before are simple but powerful actions.” recalls Marina Rossi.These habits help avoid last-minute surprises, which are often major sources of stress. By integrating these routines into your daily life, you ensure more serene mornings, where everything is ready to start the day without rushing”.

    Simplify meals to reduce daily pressure

    Meal management is another area where mental overload can quickly build up.”In planning meals in advance and by cooking twice to freeze certain dishes, you give yourself a real mental release during the week” advises the expert. “And if one evening, croque-monsieur or pizzas become the solution, accept it without guilt. The main thing is to preserve your energy and avoid any unnecessary overload.”

    Allow yourself regular moments of unwinding

    Mentally unloading also involves taking regular breaks.Whether it’s a quiet morning coffee or a moment of reading in the evening, these little bubbles of calm help to release pressure and avoid saturation.” underlines Marina Rossi.

    Surround yourself to share the constraints

    Mental overload can be alleviated by surrounding yourself with people you can count on.”Organizing school trips with other parents or connecting with other single parents in support groups helps share the load and provide essential mental relief. she concludes.

    12 organizational tips for a successful back-to-school season

    Slideshow: 12 organizational tips for a successful back-to-school season
