In Grenoble, a man seriously injured by bullets, what we know

In Grenoble a man seriously injured by bullets what we

While trying to stop a hit-and-run driver from fleeing a road accident, a municipal officer was shot twice in the chest. The shooter is on the run.

Around 7:30 am on Sunday, September 8, a municipal officer was seriously injured by gunfire in the city center of Grenoble. He was hit by two shots in the chest while trying to stop a reckless driver. “His life is in danger,” said Éric Vaillant, prosecutor of the Grenoble public prosecutor’s office.

“Following a traffic accident near Grenoble town hall this morning at around 7:30 a.m., the person responsible for the accident fired two shots at a municipal employee who allegedly tried to prevent him from fleeing,” the prosecutor’s office told the press, confirming information from the The Dauphiné Libéré.

Shooter still wanted

An Audi violently hit a Peugeot 2008 on Boulevard Jean Pain, in front of Grenoble town hall, details France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The officer, “apparently” in the exercise of his duties at the time of the events, tried to prevent the Audi driver from fleeing. The driver then fired several shots in the direction of the officer. He was hit twice in the chest. The shooter is on the run. The public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation and entrusted it to the Grenoble judicial police (SLPJ), which is “actively” searching for the shooter, the prosecutor said. A crisis unit for city staff has been set up by the municipality, reports France Blue.

The agent is one of the heads of the city’s cleaning service, the media reports. He was working in the Paul-Mistral park area on Sunday morning. In solidarity with their colleague, who is between life and death, the agents of the Grenoble cleaning service decided not to clean the town’s markets this afternoon. “We are no longer safe in the city, our leader came to help and he gets shot like a dog. It’s scandalous,” reacted Virgile, a city agent, to France Bleu.
