Cross-country skiing: Helene Marie Fossesholm’s terrible injury – months after the comeback

It was in connection with a soccer tournament that Helene Marie Fossesholm suffered a severe knee injury.

According to VG, she had just got out on the field before she ended up in a duel when the accident happened.

– I screamed first. Because right when it happened, it hurt a lot. Then I looked down at my knee and everything was in the wrong place. The kneecap was not where it should be. It was a little longer down the leg and on the side. Then you think “oh my god”, she tells the newspaper.

Taken to hospital: “Got pale in the face”

The cross-country skier was taken to hospital in Oslo where the kneecap was first corrected before an X-ray was taken.

– That was the worst. I went pale all over my face. Then I had to ask for a bag to throw up in. I didn’t, but I really wanted to.

X-rays showed that there were no loose pieces of bone around the knee, according to the newspaper. An MRI scan should be done when the swelling has subsided.

As late as February, Fossesholm made a comeback after a one-year competition break.
