Moose and car in accident at airport


  • Moose and car in accident at airport

    A passenger car and a moose are involved in an accident that occurred at Mellansel Airport in Örnsköldsvik. That’s what the police write on their website.

    No people are reported to have been injured in the accident. It is unclear how the moose fared.


  • Three shot dead at the border crossing to the West Bank

    Three people belonging to Israel have been killed in a shooting at a border crossing between the occupied West Bank and Jordan, according to the Israeli public service company KAN.

    A suspected perpetrator has been killed by Israeli security forces, police said according to Haaretz.

    The border crossing is used by Palestinians, Israelis and international tourists.

  • The Line fire is spreading rapidly in California

    An area roughly the size of 100 football fields is currently on fire in Southern California, several American media outlets there sometimes report NBC News.

    The fire, which has been named Line, since it started at Base Line Road about 12 miles east of Los Angeles, started at 6:00 p.m. Thursday evening (local time) and is now spreading at a rapid rate.

    Around 500 firefighters are participating in the extinguishing work.

    Accommodations in the immediate area have been evacuated and those affected by the smoke are asked to stay indoors.

  • Fire in student accommodation in Gothenburg – man to hospital

    The emergency services were alerted on Sunday morning about a fire at a student residence in the Johanneberg district of Gothenburg.

    – There has been a fire in an apartment on the first floor. It is now switched off, says Patrik Hedlund, alarm and line operator at the rescue service.

    A man has been taken to hospital by ambulance and is said to have minor injuries, reports say P4 Gothenburg.

    It is still unclear what caused the fire.

    – There has been smoke spreading in the property. So we remain in place and ventilate, says Patrik Hedlund.

  • Man beaten in Båstad – two arrested

    A man in his 20s was taken to hospital during the night after being beaten in a small town in Båstad.

    Two men have been arrested on suspicion of assault.

    According to the police, the suspects are in their 30s and 45s.

  • Big fire in Trollhättan – issued VMA

    There is a heavy fire in a building in an industrial area in Trollhättan.

    The emergency services received the alarm at 05.25 and at 06 a VMA was issued.

    – We are on site with five units, says Patrik Karlsson, officer on duty at the Rescue Service.

    It is said to be lithium batteries that are on fire and therefore a VMA has been issued.

    In the important message to the public, the emergency manager urges everyone in the area to go indoors and close doors, windows and ventilation.

    Read more here.

  • Fire in residential building in Malmö – eight to hospital

    Photo: Mikael Nilsson

    During the night, at least four balconies belonging to an apartment building in Söderkulla in Malmö caught fire.

    According to the police’s website, eight people were taken to hospital by ambulance.

    Read more here.

  • Police action after attempted robbery

    Police and ambulance were called at 02.20 to Bagarmossen in southern Stockholm.

    A man in his 30s raised the alarm that he had been the victim of an attempted robbery but managed to escape.

    The perpetrator disappeared in an unknown direction and was searched for during the night by the police.

    – The plaintiff’s version is that the perpetrator tried to take his phone, was refused and started brandishing a knife, says Peter Asp, police officer on duty.

    According to his own statement, the victim was scratched by the knife, but did not need to be taken to hospital.

    – He says he kicked the perpetrator with some kind of ninja kick. Then the perpetrator disappeared in an unknown direction and in an unknown way, says Peter Asp.

  • Several shot by highway – big hunt

    The wanted Joseph A. Couch Photo: Laurel county police

    Five people have been shot near Interstate 75 in Kentucky.

    A few more were injured by a vehicle, according to the local mayor.

    Police say the suspect — Joseph A. Couch — is still at large and are asking the public to avoid the area.

    “Stay indoors,” writes a spokesperson on social media, according to CNN.

    The shooting happened outside the city of London in Laurel county.

    Karen Kelly, Chief of Staff to Congressman Hal Rogers, writes on X:

    “Hearing reports of an active shooter on I75 between exits 49 and 41. Highway closed. Shooter in the forest. Ask.”

    The suspect is described as “armed and dangerous”.

    According to the mayor’s information to a local radio station, the victims were not chosen at random.

    The shooting was preceded by a dispute between two cars, he says.

    Read more here.

  • Hezbollah retaliated by shelling Israel

    Iran-backed Hezbollah says it attacked Israel in retaliation for Saturday’s Israeli attack on southern Lebanon — in which three health workers were killed and two wounded, according to Lebanese authorities.

    In a statement, the Shia militia stated that it had fired rockets at the town of Kiryat Shmona in Israel, a few kilometers from the border with Lebanon.

    Israel and Hezbollah have shelled each other almost daily since the war in Gaza broke out last year.

  • One person to hospital after drowning alarm

    One person has been taken to hospital after a drowning alarm outside Bonäs in Mora.

    Emergency services and an ambulance were called to the scene at 9:15 p.m.

    – The person has been taken to hospital, says Anna Kajsa Gullberg-Dahl team leader at SOS alarm.

    There is no information on the state of the damage.

  • Swimmer shot at – back injured

    A man who was swimming in Dalby outside Lund has been shot at with what was understood to be an air weapon, the police say.

    The man is said to have a minor wound on his back.

    No one has been arrested.

  • Chaotic protests – half a million on the streets

    Photo: Ariel Schalit / AP

    Half a million people are protesting in the streets of Tel Aviv, demanding that the Israeli government bring home the people still held hostage by Hamas.

    Violence has now broken out between police and protesters, reports say Haaretz.

    Several fires have also broken out.

    – Netanyahu is a murderer, shout the protesters.

    According to Haaretz, the protesters are trying to force the police cordons.

  • Huge protest against Netanyahu

    Large demonstrations in Tel Aviv. Photo: Ariel Schalit/AP/TT

    Tens of thousands of people have gathered outside the headquarters of the Israeli army in Tel Aviv on Saturday night, reports The Times of Israel.

    The demonstrators are demanding that the government enter into an agreement with terror-labeled Hamas on a ceasefire so that those held hostage in Gaza can return home.

    According to the organizer, as many as 400,000 people are expected to participate in the demonstration.

    Protesters have also gathered outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem.

  • Four to hospital after Stockholm half marathon

    Four people have been taken to hospital during the Stockholm half marathon, according to the Stockholm region.

    – But this is moving matter and the race is on. The latest information I received is that there are four people, says press officer Anna Prucha.

    There is no information on the state of the damage.

    – There are also healthcare resources on site that take care of people, says Anna Prucha.

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