In the area of adult animation series There are some absolute audience favorites in the sci-fi corner. In the past it was Futurama, today it is Rick and Morty. Both captivate with philosophical discourses, hidden in dimensional jumps and journeys through a completely crazy space. Everything is nicely peppered with sarcasm, black humor and sharp-tongued social criticism.
But what if you have this crazy approach, the crazy worlds and the philosophy appreciates – but you really don’t feel like being cynical in the current political situation? Then you should watch our insider tip on Netflix: Bee and Puppycat.
In Bee and Puppycat on Netflix, a chaotic woman and a space cat dog work for an intergalactic agency
Bee (English voice Allyn Rachel) is not exactly normal. She has a tendency to spread chaos, to be stuck in her own little world and to solve problems in unconventional ways. On the day she loses her job at the cat cafe, she remembers unusual creature at your feet.
Puppycat At first glance, he looks rather cat-like, smells like a dog and only communicates in background noise. He moves in with her and even lets her in on his work: he takes on mini-jobs for an intergalactic employment agency. Each job is completely different. A different planet, a different task, different beings to please.
Aliens who have to win a car race against other versions of themselves? We have them. Man-eating space cherries that need to be taken care of? Why not. The more Bee and Puppycat live and work together, the more they learn from each other. And it becomes clear: They are both not what they seem to be.
Bee and Puppycat is perfect for all Rick & Morty fans looking for a whole new form of madness
At first glance, it all sounds conventional – a normal person who is drawn into a crazy world full of adventures in space and time. But the thing is: the “normal” world of Bee and Puppycat is anything but that. Bee’s world is absolutely surrealfull of bizarre rules that everyone simply accepts, full of inconsistencies and puzzles for the audience.
Nothing seems to fit together at first glance and sometimes the LSD-trip-like space planets make more sense than Bee’s everyday life at home. But anyone who is drawn to this vortex of craziness and this Explosion of creative ideas will soon see deeper. There is as much wisdom as madness in Bee and Puppycat.
Among the heartwarming and crazy moments, the lovingly written characters There are touching stories about very real topics. From loneliness and loss to true love, everything is there. Incidentally, it must be mentioned how wonderfully cute it all is, full of pastel colors and cuddly shapes. If there was a lo-fi version of Rick and Morty, it would be Bee and Puppycat.
You can currently stream the wonderful sci-fi insider tip Bee and Puppycat on Netflix.