Pensioner? This is how much your tax will be reduced in 2025

Pensioner This is how much your tax will be reduced

On September 5, the government presented the autumn budget, where it emerged that several major changes are to be expected.

Minister of Finance Elisabeth Svantesson (M) wants, among other things, to strengthen the employment tax deduction for wage earners in 2025. But in addition, they also want to lower taxes for the country’s pensioners.

READ MORE: Reduced tax for pensioners and wage earners in 2025

Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) presented news from the autumn budget on 5 September. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT”There will be more crowns and pennies left”

With the announcement of reduced taxes for the country’s pensioners, there are probably many who are now smiling and can consider themselves lucky to have a little more left in their pension.

Nordnet Bank’s savings account Frida Bratt told with the government’s announcement that those who get reduced taxes are all those who earn more than SEK 16,000 a month.

– There will be more kroner and pennies left in the wallet, which will probably be appreciated by many. After all, we come from a situation where households’ purchasing power has decreased due to sharply rising inflation and higher interest rates, she told News24.

READ MORE: They get SEK 2,600 in reduced tax: “Some tough years”

Pensioners may be hit with penalty tax: “Mismatch”

However, there are those who believe that old-age pensioners are the ones who are “caught up” by changes in the pension system, especially around the target age.

Among other things mean Trifa Chirehpension economist at Länsförsäkringar, that from the year you turn 67 you are entitled to an increased basic deduction. This means that you pay less tax on the pension. But if you withdraw your pension before then, you instead pay much more in taxes compared to working pensioners.

That movement, which will become more noticeable in the future when the target age is moved again, will lead to an unreasonable reduction in pension levels. And this is where Chireh believes that old-age pensioners become the real losers.

– This mismatch results in a form of punitive tax for ordinary old-age pensioners, who already have relatively low pension amounts. Raising the age limits in the pension system and also raising the limit for when you can get lower taxes on pension will be problematic for many who may not be able to work for that long, she has previously told Nyheter24.

READ MORE: They are the losers with the retirement age: “Unfavourable”

But it may soon become more favorable for the country’s pensioners when the tax on the pension is reduced.

Pensioner? This is how much you save every month

The big question, however, is how many kroner the pensioners will save each month when the tax is reduced.

After the budget statement, the government office came out with one calculation about how it will look in the wallet of the country’s pensioners after the reduction. And it turns out that it can make a difference of ten kroner up to several hundred kroner that is saved in and with the tax relief.

This is how much of a difference it will make to your pension income when the tax is reduced:

  • 16,667: -66 kroner
  • 25,000: -151 kroner
  • 33,333: -249 kroner
  • 35,000: -270 kroner
  • 41,667: -369 kroner
  • 50,000: -369 kroner
  • 62,500: -831 kroner
  • 83,333: -883 kroner
  • 125,000: -883 kroner
  • According to the government’s calculations, there will be 50 kroner less paid in taxes for the median pension. For the average pension, there will instead be SEK 53 less paid in tax.

    DON’T MISS: The change in the pension receives sharp criticism: “Unfair”

    Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT
