Prostate: 8 natural solutions that could slow down cancer, according to recent studies

Prostate 8 natural solutions that could slow down cancer according

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    While prostate cancer remains the most common cancer in men, let’s take stock of the natural solutions that, according to science, can slow the progression of the disease.

    With 60,000 new cases per year in France, prostate cancer represents 24% of male cancers. Rare before the age of 50, its incidence increases progressively with age. Fortunately, it is a cancer with a good, even very good prognosis. And did you know that certain natural solutions are recognized, or in the process of being recognized, by science as capable of slowing the progression of the disease? Eight solutions to put on the plate are currently being studied.

    A balanced diet combined with physical exercise

    Some research does show that eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can slow the progression of prostate cancer. A healthy diet includes reducing your sugar intake, eating lean meats, and eating plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables. A recent study in San Francisco suggests that increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits, and grains could help slow the progression of prostate cancer by 47%.

    Just 15 minutes of exercise a day can reduce overall mortality in patients treated for prostate cancer, according to a 2009 study.


    Stress can affect the nerves surrounding a tumor and this could play a role in the spread of prostate cancer. Anti-stress activities, such as yoga, are therefore all indicated to slow the progression of the disease. In addition, according to a 2017 study, doing yoga twice a week improves the daily lives of men treated for prostate cancer by helping to reduce the side effects of radiotherapy. The discipline would also be interesting for reducing pro-tumorigenic cytokines in cancer survivors according to a latest study conducted in 2023.

    Flax seeds

    The seeds of this plant have long been known to cure diseases, but according to a 2019 study, dietary flaxseed may also have anticancer properties and limit the growth of cancers, including prostate cancer. Scientists are still unsure, however, why flaxseed may have these anticancer properties.

    Green tea

    Some studies also claim that a compound in green tea called EGCG may reduce cancer cells. Studies are still ongoing, but the results are promising. One study conducted in 2024 compared two groups of men with prostate cancer: one who received a placebo and one who received a supplement corresponding to a mixture of green tea, pomegranate, turmeric and broccoli. The results showed that over 6 months, PSA levels (the measurement of the concentration of prostate-specific antigen in the blood) increased by an average of 14.7% in participants who received the polyphenol-rich dietary supplement and by 78.5% in participants who received the placebo.

    Vitamin D

    People with prostate cancer tend to have lower levels of vitamin D. Therefore, according to ongoing research, taking vitamin D supplements may increase your levels and slow the growth of cancer cells.

    Pomegranate juice

    Early research suggests that drinking pomegranate juice every day could slow the progression of prostate cancer. Its various polyphenols (antioxidants) have the ability to inhibit the growth of breast, colon, lung, skin and prostate cancer cells. This positive effect has even been measured in slowing down established cancers, particularly advanced prostate cancer, whose progression is 4 times slower in drinkers of 250 ml of pomegranate juice/day.


    This natural pigment found in tomatoes (among other foods) has long been studied for its effect on cancer. In a 2007 report, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) concluded (after reviewing nearly 500,000 studies) that foods rich in lycopene, such as tomatoes, may offer protection against prostate cancer. The results are now mixed. But regardless, tomatoes and other foods containing lycopene are a sure bet for a healthy diet.


    Research shows that this Middle Eastern staple, taken as a dietary supplement, may help prevent prostate cancer. It also relieves inflammation. More studies are underway, but in the meantime, there’s nothing stopping you from sprinkling it on your meals and talking to your doctor about it.

    10 tips for taking care of your prostate

    Slideshow: 10 tips for taking care of your prostate
