These 3 original and little-known extracurricular activities could fascinate your child!

These 3 original and little known extracurricular activities could fascinate your

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    Back to school is over. Now, many parents are concerned about what extracurricular activity their little ones will do. Which one should they choose? Here are three that you may not have thought of.

    Since September 2nd, students have returned to school. Now, parents’ concern is to register their children for one (or more!) extracurricular activities. How to choose the right one? Here are a few, less frequently practiced by children, but which they may like!

    Multisport, for undecided children

    Between tennis, football, rugby or dance, your child hesitates? You can suggest to him to do multisport. This formula allows the children to try different activities throughout the year. They thus have the leisure to confront themselves with different sports and test them to know what they like.

    The musical, for introverts

    The merits of theatre for shy children are often praised. Another version adds singing and dancing: the musical comedy. It allows children to embody their favourite characters, singing and dancing to put on a show. However, this activity requires diligence, because the shows presented at the end of the school year are prepared throughout the year.

    Yoga, for the most stressed

    Do you feel that your child has a rather anxious profile? Suggest that they do yoga! There are classes designed for children, which will allow them to work on postures designed for them. A good way to improve their flexibility, but also to learn to channel their energy and calm their anxieties. Some institutes offer duo classes: you will thus be able to enjoy the benefits of the discipline with your child.

    Before deciding on this or that activity, take the time to compare carefully. Indeed, practicing an extracurricular activity has a significant cost: in 2020, a survey by the Confédération Syndicale des Familles estimated it at 134 euros per year on average. On the other hand, it is beneficial for children, as clinical child psychologist Charlotte Docus points out in an article for the Huffington Post.Research has shown that engaging in an activity outside of school has a positive impact on academic performance.“.

    But be careful not to overload your schedule.

    In order for the child to get the most out of it, it is recommended not to force a child but rather to let him “choose his own activity. This will prevent it from becomes a constraint and he goes there dragging his feet” insists the psychologist. Finally, do not overload his schedule unnecessarily.A child has too many activities when he has to rush to snack and do his homework almost every day. It is also counterproductive if he never has any rest time.” concludes the expert.

    What extracurricular activity for your child according to their temperament?

    Slideshow: What extracurricular activity for your child according to their temperament?
