Toxic gas leaked at Northvolt in Västerås

– It is a dangerous liquid, but in this incident there was no one nearby, says Nathalie Bruno, communications manager at Northvolt, to SVT Västmanland.

The truck driver immediately contacted personnel who put on the proper protective equipment and were able to deal with the leak.

– It is of course very unfortunate that it happened and we don’t want it to happen, of course. How it happened and why is something we must investigate in order to improve.

– We need to look at how it was transported and the area where it drove. It’s nothing strange, it’s an area where we can ship our material across the board.

No one injured

No one was injured in connection with the incident. The discharge itself did not exceed the limit values, according to Nathalie Bruno.

– When it comes out like that, it becomes diluted in the air and not as strong. But then we don’t want that to be released at all, of course.

The liquid that leaked out had been used in production and was about to be shipped to another location to be cleaned, and then used again by Northvolt.

Has this happened before?

– I have never experienced an accident like this before.
