112 news: Bus shelter rammed in Utrecht | Man knocked unconscious in Soest

112 news Bus shelter rammed in Utrecht Man knocked

Province of Utrecht – In this blog we keep you informed of the 112 news in the province of Utrecht. It is an overview of accidents, fires, crimes, traffic jams and disruptions in the region on Friday 6 September.

10:40 PM: Car in the central reservation of the A12 near Harmelen

At Harmelen, a car ended up in the central reservation on the A12 shortly after 21:00. The car with a German license plate drove a considerable distance through the wet grass and eventually got stuck between the hill and the crash barriers. The driver was unharmed, the car was recovered.

© Egberts Media

10:25 PM: Man knocked unconscious at AH in Soest

A man was knocked unconscious by a teenager at a supermarket in Soest this evening. The victim was injured in the head and was taken to hospital. The police are still looking for the perpetrator. The incident happened around 19:45 just in front of an Albert Heijn branch on the Smitsweg.

10:00 PM: Car hits bus shelter in Utrecht during rain shower

Between 19:00 and 20:00 it rained heavily in the Utrecht region and there were also several reports of accidents. On the Heldammersingel in De Meern a car left the road and rammed a bus shelter. No one was injured.

1725663425 941 112 news Bus shelter rammed in Utrecht Man knocked
© Egberts Media

4:27 PM: Car on its side in residential area in Vleuten-De Meern

This afternoon, a car ended up on its side at the Utrechtse Heuvelrug in Vleuten-De Meern. The vehicle is lying diagonally on the road, preventing traffic from passing. The police are on the scene. How this could happen exactly is being investigated.

Car on its side in Vleuten
© Brian van der Bol

2:59 PM: Collision between car and motorcycle in Baarn may have been preceded by a fight

The collision between the motorcyclist and car driver in Baarn yesterday afternoon was possibly preceded by a fight. The accident took place just after 16:00 on the Zandheuvelweg. The motorcyclist, a 51-year-old man from Hilversum, was seriously injured. The car driver is a 26-year-old man, also from Hilversum.

The driver of the car was unharmed. He was arrested after the accident and questioned by the police. He has since been released, but the man remains a suspect in this case. The police are still investigating what exactly happened.

12:35 PM: Explosion in Vianen turns out to be a mistake: bomb at the wrong house

The explosion last Tuesday in Vianen was probably a mistake, the police say. Investigation shows that the explosive was probably placed at the wrong house. Tuesday morning at 05:00 a.m. a bomb went off in front of the door of a house in the Jan van Arkelstraat in Vianen. Then a fire broke out. No one was injured.

11.07 am: Fire in De Meern under control

The fire on the Strijkviertel industrial estate in De Meern is under control. That is what the fire department says. They will still be busy extinguishing the fire for a few hours.

The fire raged in the same building as a week and a half ago, when arson had been set in another unit.

09.30 am: Gas leak in Vleuten

A gas leak occurred this morning on Herman Heijermansstraat in Vleuten. This was caused by excavation work, says a spokesperson for the fire department. Network operator Stedin is present to seal the leak.

07:30 am: Arsonist Veenendaler does not have to go to prison

A young Veenendaal resident who set fire to his mother’s apartment at the end of August last year mainly needs help. The arson caused a lot of fear and unrest. The boy was 19 years old at the time and is required to undergo treatment for his psychological problems. The court has ruled that he does not have to go to prison.

07.05 am: Major fire on the Strijkviertel industrial estate in De Meern

A large fire is raging this morning on the Strijkviertel industrial estate in De Meern. The first report came in at 6:00 AM to the fire department. The fire department is present with multiple vehicles to extinguish the fire. Residents are advised to close their windows and doors due to smoke development.

Read yesterday’s 112 news here:
