Accident on E4 – affecting traffic


  • Accident on E4 – affecting traffic

    At around 15:30 on Friday, a traffic accident occurred on E4 in Upplands Väsby, northbound direction.

    – It is a car that has been hit from behind. The other car left the scene, says the rescue service’s command operator Jesper Hesselgren.

    Two people had to be taken to hospital for a check-up.

    – They complained of neck and chest pain, says Jesper Hesselgren.

    The accident is now affecting traffic.

    – We closed two out of three lanes initially. Now one of the lanes is closed while waiting for rescuers, says Hesselgren.


  • Biden keeps refugee goal – can accept 125,000 people

    Joe Biden’s administration plans to maintain the goal of accepting 125,000 refugees next year, according to an internal report seen by Reuters.

    The report signals that the reception of refugees will increase even if Kamala Harris wins the presidential election.

    The United States is in the process of accepting 100,000 refugees, which has been done through the “US Refugee Admissions” program.

    The program ends on September 30. If they manage to accept everyone as planned, it will be the highest level of refugees the country has accepted in three decades.

  • Multi-car crash in tunnel

    Several cars have collided in the Lundby Tunnel in Gothenburg.

    Ambulance and tow truck are on site and the police have been alerted.

    – There are at least three cars involved. The tunnel towards Gothenburg is closed for another 10 minutes, says Mikael Lindgren, alarm and line operator at 16:20.

    According to the Swedish Transport Administration, the road is completely closed.

    There is currently no forecast for when traffic can resume as usual.

    It is unclear if anyone is injured.

    The text is updated.

  • Missing man found dead in water

    A man has been found dead in the water in Uddevalla.

    Relatives have been notified.

    The man had previously disappeared.

  • Anders Kraft goes to EFN

    EFN Ekonomikanalen recruits TV4’s former news anchor Anders Kraft.

    – I am very satisfied and full of anticipation for my new challenge at the editorial office, he says in a press release.

    EFN has recently recruited several profiles. Among others Anna Hedenmo, Malin Ekman, Katrine Kielos and Fredrik Strage.

    Kraft left TV4 this summer after 28 years at the company.

  • Car collided with electric scooter

    A person traveling on an electric bicycle has collided with a car in Falköping.

    The accident must have happened in a residential area.

    – The person on the e-bike was awake and able to speak after the accident, but was checked by paramedics, says Conny Johansson, officer on duty at the rescue service.

  • Teenagers arrested – believed to have planned acts of violence

    A 14-year-old and a 16-year-old were arrested at Malmö’s central station Thursday evening, write TV4.

    – I can’t say much more than that. They are found and one is arrested and one is taken into the care of social authorities because he is under 15, says Sara Andersson, press spokesperson at the police, to Aftonbladet.

    They are suspected of preparation for murder.

    According to TV4, the boys took the train from Stockholm to commit an act of violence.

    – The investigation is at an initial stage, and it is a very sensitive stage right now. There may be witnesses before the arrest, so it’s mainly with that in mind that I don’t want to give out too much information.

  • Boy stuck in parcel locker in Umeå

    Shortly after 3 pm on Friday, the emergency services were alerted that a small boy was stuck in a parcel locker in Umeå.

    – We rushed to the scene and managed to get him out very quickly, says the rescue service’s management operator.

    How he managed to get into the cupboard is unclear. But he is said to have been unharmed after the incident.

  • American woman shot in the West Bank

    A 26-year-old American woman of Turkish origin died on Friday after being shot by the Israeli military in the West Bank, reports the Palestinian news agency Wafa.

    This is confirmed by the head of the hospital in Nablus where the woman was treated for her injuries.

    The woman was shot in the head during a demonstration against the illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

    According to the news agency, the woman was a volunteer and was in the West Bank to support and protect Palestinian farmers from the violations by Israel and Israeli settlers.

  • The 14-year-old in court after the school crime – the judge’s change to the death penalty

    Suspected school shooter Colt Gray, 14, is on trial after the shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia.

    Judge Currie Mingledorff initially stated that Gray faced the death penalty or life in prison, but later corrected himself and said that the death penalty is not an option since he is under 18, reports CNN.

    Four people were killed in the attack, including teachers Christina Irimie and Richard Aspinwall and 14-year-old students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo. Nine people were injured.

  • No suspected crime behind fatal fire

    Three children and an elderly woman died in a fire in Karlskrona in July. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    The preliminary investigation into suspected arson in Karlskrona in July has been closed. Four people died – three children and an elderly woman.

    The emergency services were alerted to the incident at lunchtime on Sunday 7 July, and when they arrived there was a fully developed fire.

    Later that day, it was announced that the woman and two of the children had died. Two days later, the news came that the third child had also died in hospital.

    The cause of the fire has not been fully determined. The technical examination shows that there are no technical faults with electronic equipment or any electrical system in the apartment, says police spokesperson Thomas Johansson.

    – In the fire technical investigation, they say that the fire was started intentionally or through carelessness with fire and embers, he tells TT.

    – But there is nothing in the preliminary investigation that suggests that it was someone who started the fire on purpose, he emphasizes.

    It has only burned in one bedroom and the fire started around the beds. The three children and the woman have been exposed to a lack of oxygen in combination with smoke gases, which led to the deaths, says Thomas Johansson.

  • Several boys hit by car – one to hospital

    At 1:30 p.m. on Friday, the police were called to a traffic accident in Onsala after a group of 10-year-old boys crossed a pedestrian crossing

    – In connection with that, some of them get hit by a car, says police spokesperson Fredrik Svedemyr.

    One of them had to be taken by ambulance to hospital, but was said to have been awake and able to speak after the accident.

    – Another boy was checked by an ambulance on the spot. He was also awake and talkative, says Fredrik Svedemyr.

    In connection with the incident, another one of them is said to have been hit by an electric scooter.

    – He must have been unharmed, says Svedemyr.

    The police have now drawn up a report about negligence in traffic and causing bodily harm.

    – Then the investigation must show what is behind the accident, says Fredrik Svedemyr.

  • Large police operation in Älvsjö after an alarm about shooting

    There is a large police operation in a residential area in Älvsjö due to a suspected shooting.

    – There are callers who have heard bangs that they perceived to be from firearms, says police spokesperson Per Fahlström.

    The police are now searching for suspects with the help of, among other things, helicopters and dog patrols.

    – We are looking for one or more perpetrators, says Per Fahlström.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, someone should have shot at a front door. A perpetrator is said to have been seen fleeing the scene.

    Read more here.

  • Knife woman threatened students – school in Åmål had to be housed

    The Kristineberg School in Åmål had to be housed after a woman in her 20s threatened the students with a kitchen knife.

    Police were called to the scene and were able to arrest the woman.

    No one was physically injured.

    The woman is now suspected of grossly unlawful threats against a group, gross violation of the Knife Act and vandalism when she overturned two mopeds that were parked at the school.

  • Disturbances for Swish

    There are currently operational disruptions at the payment service Swish, the company announces on its website.

    Just after 1 p.m., the problem is solved.

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