New Prime Minister Michel Barnier promises “changes and ruptures”

New Prime Minister Michel Barnier promises changes and ruptures

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, appointed Michel Barnier as Prime Minister on Thursday, September 5. The handover between the new head of the French government and his predecessor, Gabriel Attal, took place at the Hôtel de Matignon in Paris, starting at 6 p.m. It puts an end to nearly 60 days of political uncertainty since the results of the legislative elections.

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It was at 6 p.m. on September 5 that the new Prime Minister, Michel Barniermade his entrance into Matignon. He shook hands with Gabriel Attal before entering his new workplace, for an interview with his predecessor. After this interview, Gabriel Attal spoke first for a speech of just under 20 minutes. He first greeted his successor, Michel Barnier, seeing in him a ” local elected official ” and the negotiator of the Brexit.

Being Prime Minister is the honour of a lifetime “, said Gabriel Attal, who then defended his action, not hiding his ” frustration ” having remained at the head of the French government for just a few months.

Eight months is short, it’s too short! And I won’t hide it, there is obviously frustration in leaving my position after only eight months.

Gabriel Attal, during the transfer of power to the post of Prime Minister

Charlotte Urien-Tomaka

In particular, he asked Michel Barnier to ” continue to make school a top priority ” because ” itIt is the life insurance of the Republic ” Furthermore, the outgoing Prime Minister considered that the “ French politics is sick “, while ensuring that ” Healing is possible provided we all agree to move on from sectarianism “.

We are in a serious moment »

Gabriel Attal ended his speech with applause. Then, it was Michel Barnier’s turn to speak for more than ten minutes. I can say a few words about that. “, the new Prime Minister first said in the courtyard of Matignon. He mentioned his mother, ” left-wing catholic “, whose convictions contrasted with his own Gaullist commitment.

We are in a serious moment, I approach this new page with great humility ” he said. The new Prime Minister has shown his willingness to ” more action than talk » and of « tell the truth ” on “financial and ecological debt “. ” It will be a question of responding, as much as we can, to the challenges, the anger, the suffering, the feeling of abandonment, of injustice. “, declared Michel Barnier, saying he wanted to ” find solutions with all those who want to resolve the country’s many and deep difficulties ” Michel Barnier insisted that there will be ” changes and ruptures ” and spoke about his career as a local elected official in Savoie. ” Let’s get to work! ” he finally said.

Earlier this Thursday, Emmanuel Macron appointed the former MEP as prime minister, nearly 60 days after the second round of legislative elections which resulted in a National Assembly without a majority. A choice which arouses strong anger from the leftbut a more wait-and-see reaction from the National Rally.

At 73, Michel Barnier, from the Republicans (LR), becomes the oldest Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic, succeeding the youngest Gabriel Attal, 35, who had only been appointed in January and had resigned for 51 days. For his part, Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to the work carried out by Gabriel Attal shortly before this transfer of power on X (ex-Twitter).

With the government, you have moved the country forward and contributed to its influence at an important time. Serving our fellow citizens, France at the heart ” he wrote.

Also readFrance: Michel Barnier appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron
