Small Instagram revolution: you will be able to make the comments of your stories publicly visible. An option already active in the latest update of the application and which allows you to share reactions.

Meta intends to improve privacy in Instagram The social networks

Small Instagram revolution: you will be able to make the comments of your stories publicly visible. An option already active in the latest update of the application and which allows you to share reactions.

Although Instagram is a social network that is already very popular with its users, Meta is continually improving it by integrating new features. Over the years, users were first able to share photos and videos before discovering other options such as publishing live videos (lives) or stories. This last sharing mode seems to have been chosen by Meta for a slight overhaul. Until now, people who shared stories revealed moments of their daily lives through photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. They could thus receive comments and interactions that they found in their private messages. Reactions that were therefore not visible to other users. But this mode of operation should change in the coming days.

Instagram: the end of private comments for stories?

In a press release published on Instagram, this Tuesday, September 3, Instagram has indeed announced the addition of a new function allowing users to make public the comments published in response to their stories. To take advantage of it, nothing could be simpler since the option is active by default in the latest update of the application. Thus, all you have to do is click on the small bubble appearing at the bottom left of the screen when you view stories. This will open the section dedicated to comments, allowing you to publish a response and view messages left by other subscribers. If you prefer to remain anonymous, know that it will always be possible to send a private message to the author of the story, provided that they deactivate the function.

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In fact, it is possible to disable this option by simply going through the application settings. Here is the procedure to follow:

  • Go to your profile and click on the drop-down menu located at the top right of your phone screen.
  • Then click on the button Comments Then Comments on stories.
  • All you have to do is check the box Disabled.

When you are in these same settings, you can also enable an option that allows all users to comment on your stories, even those who are not among your followers. Note that the option is limited for accounts belonging to minor users. The latter can only benefit from this addition if they follow the account wishing to comment and vice versa.
