8 Phrases That Instantly Make Us Seem Less Intelligent

8 Phrases That Instantly Make Us Seem Less Intelligent

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    The speech we make in front of friends or colleagues matters. Indeed, a simple sentence has the power to put us at a disadvantage. What are these words that make us seem less intelligent? Here they are.

    Some of our words have a strong impact on the people around us. And sometimes they also have the disadvantage of making us seem unintelligent. What are the phrases to avoid? Here they are.

    “I never read”

    Reading is an activity that we spontaneously associate with intelligence, because people who read are categorized as being educated and enjoying learning new things through the books they devour.

    Also, saying that one does not read is tantamount to saying that one does not particularly seek to enrich one’s knowledge, vocabulary or understanding of the world. This sentence therefore clearly indicates a lack of curiosity and a weak desire to learn.

    “I don’t need to write it”

    You might think that remembering everything without writing anything down is a form of intelligence. In reality, we are all fallible and not writing down certain important things is taking the risk of forgetting them. This gives the image of a person suffering from excess self-confidence and lacking in organization. On the contrary, taking notes shows that you pay attention to details and that you will respect the task at hand.

    “It’s not my fault”

    Blaming others for your mistakes or failures never reflects well on you. On the contrary, it shows a lack of responsibility. It is obvious that you should not blame yourself for something you did not do, but it is essential to acknowledge your mistakes when you have made them.

    “I already knew that”

    Stating that you already know something, especially in a dismissive tone, shows you in a negative light, contrary to what people might think. It makes you seem arrogant and closed-minded, who thinks they have nothing more to learn, which is rarely the case.

    “I’m really busy”

    Repeating that you are busy makes it seem like you can’t manage your time to get everything done. While it’s okay to have different activities, knowing that never being able to find free time gives you a negative self-image.

    “I hate it”

    Expressing a strong dislike or hatred for something can often make you appear less intelligent. In fact, the issue is not to deny the feeling you feel, but to moderate the way you express it. So it’s not about suppressing your feelings, but about qualifying the way you express them. Indeed, intelligent people generally demonstrate emotional maturity that allows them to qualify their emotions.

    “It’s impossible”

    This sentence can instantly make you seem less intelligent. Why? Because it reflects a fixed mindset and a lack of problem-solving skills. On the contrary, intelligent people draw on their resources to seek a solution and see obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow.

    The next time you’re faced with a daunting task or problem, instead of saying, “That’s impossible,” consider saying, “That’s a challenge, but let’s see how we can tackle it.” This shift in language can change your mindset and how others perceive your intelligence.

    Feeling good in your body, feeling good in your head!

    “But we’ve always done it this way”

    Finally, this last sentence also reflects a resistance to change and a lack of innovative thinking. Sticking to old methods simply because “we’ve always done it this way” can stifle growth and creativity. Instead, try replacing it with “That’s an interesting new approach, let’s explore it further.”

    The 8 forms of intelligence

    Slideshow: The 8 forms of intelligence
