Pimples and dull complexion before your period? What you should do to take care of your skin

Pimples and dull complexion before your period What you should

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    Some women experience it every month: the skin on their face changes before their period arrives. Pimples, sensitivity, dull complexion… Hormonal changes are responsible for these changes. Here’s how to treat it properly, to avoid these unpleasant effects.

    Premenstrual syndrome is mostly mentioned for the mood swings, fatigue or headaches it causes. What is less well known is that it is also responsible for changes in the skin, particularly that of the face, recalls the media Fustany.

    PMS involves hormonal changes, including fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. These changes can lead to breakouts, oilier skin that can lead to acne, a dull complexion, more reactive skin that is more susceptible to irritation, and a paler complexion overall.

    To take care of your fragile skin during this period, it is recommended to follow a simple routine, without excess.

    You can use a gentle cleanser, which will help remove impurities from the surface of your skin, without drying it out.

    Complete this cleansing by applying a light, non-greasy moisturizer to limit redness and irritation of your skin.

    If you have pimples, you can use a product with salicylic acid to reduce their inflammation and choose non-comedogenic skincare and makeup products to avoid clogging your pores.

    Finally, also avoid harsh chemicals that contain alcohol or perfumes. Instead, choose products that contain aloe vera, chamomile or niacinamide to soothe your face.

    Maintain a healthy lifestyle

    Finally, regarding the paleness of your complexion, combat it with a diet rich in iron, with regular consumption of fish, but also vitamins (oranges, tomatoes, berries, etc.) and antioxidants (dark chocolate, green tea, etc.).

    Practice moderate physical activity and hydrate yourself regularly.

    Finally, limit stress by practicing meditation or yoga, for example, and take care of your sleep. And if the changes are too significant, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
