Multi-vehicle crash on E22 – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet


  • Several passenger cars have been involved in an accident on the E22 in the direction of Kalmar at the height of the Kalmar Travet, writes P4 Kalmar.

    The emergency services are on site.

    The text is updated.


  • Armed person broke into LKAB

    On the night of Thursday, a masked and armed person entered LKAB in Kiruna, LKAB states in a press release.

    “It was around 2-3 in the morning that a person with a masked face and what was understood to be a firearm entered the drilling rig and showed himself to personnel employed by a contractor for LKAB. It took place at the site of exploration drilling at the Per Geijer deposit, where large volumes of iron ore, phosphorus and rare earth metals were found,” LKAB writes in a press release.

    The incident has been reported to Säpo and the police.

    On August 30, four drilling machines in the area were vandalized.

  • ‘Probable’ planned attack on Israeli consulate

    The gunman who was shot by German police on Thursday morning in Munich had probably planned an attack on Israel’s consulate, says Bavaria’s interior minister.

    The man, according to the police an 18-year-old Austrian, was shot dead on the spot.

    According to Der Spiegel he was known to the authorities as an Islamist.

    According to information to the newspaper, he was to be investigated by the police last year for spreading IS propaganda, but the case was dropped.

    Read more about the event here.

  • The Tidö parties want to call Sida to the committee

    Sida’s then general secretary Carin Jämtin. Archive image. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT

    The Tidö parties want to call the aid authority Sida to the foreign affairs committee to answer questions about decisions that were taken when the Tidö government took office, the Sweden Democrats write in a press release.

    The Sweden Democrats refer to an article in Svenska Dagbladet and write that there was information that Sida under director general Carin Jämtin’s leadership “took decisions that seriously hampered the restructuring of Swedish aid policy announced by the Tidö parties”. It must have happened after the formation of the government in 2022.

    “Here there are obvious question marks about how these decisions could be made and implemented. We must find out in detail whether serious errors or political positions have been taken based on personal premises”, writes the chairman of the foreign affairs committee Aron Emilsson (SD) in a press release.

  • 15-year-old girl missing

    The police are looking for a missing 15-year-old girl in Västerås.

    She should wear black linen pants, short black jacket, gray sweatshirt, long black hair that is braided and green sneakers.

    The police urge the public to call 114 14 if they have seen anything, or call 112 if the situation is urgent.

  • The lieutenant colonel that the suspects have been released

    Lieutenant Colonel Johan Huovinen, former Ukraine expert in several media, has been suspected of gross unauthorized position with secret information.

    But on Wednesday, the prosecutor’s office’s security chamber announced that he had been cleared of suspicion.

    According to Huovinen himself, the investigation was initiated because he worked for a time in Russia on behalf of the defense forces, and he is now relieved after yesterday’s announcement.

    – There will always be people who say “no smoke without fire, he has been to Russia, he must be a spy”. But you can’t relate to foil hats, says Huovinen.

    Read more here.

  • He is nominated to be the new French Prime Minister

    French President Emmanuel Macron nominates EU veteran Michel Barnier as the new French Prime Minister.

  • Andrij Sybiha is appointed as the new foreign minister of Ukraine

    Andrij Sybiha is appointed as the new foreign minister in Ukraine, writes Reuters.

    He is already deputy foreign minister.

    The nomination is expected to be approved by parliament later on Thursday, according to the news agency.

  • The police are looking for tips about the missing man

    The police are looking for a missing man in the area around Sollefteå.

    The man is in his 70s and was last seen on September 4 at 10 a.m.

    The man has gray hair and glasses. He has a normal build and drives a silver Citroën.

    Police are working to find the man, but are also asking for help from the public.

    They urge people who have seen or see the man to call 112.

  • Train stops in Skåne – many are affected

    Train traffic between Höör and Hässleholm is expected to be able to start again at 2pm at the earliest. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    Train traffic between Höör and Hässleholm has been stopped since shortly before 12 o’clock.

    The stop affects a large number of travelers, partly the traffic between Stockholm and Malmö and partly regional trains between Malmö and Blekinge and Småland respectively.

    According to the Swedish Transport Administration, traffic is expected to return to normal from 2 p.m. at the earliest.

  • Suspects in double murder of Britons are released

    A total of three people who have been reasonably suspected of the murders of two Britons have now been released. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    Three people who were reasonably suspected of the murders of two Britons have now been released, prosecutor Magnus Pettersson told TT.

    – No suspicions have been ruled out at this point, he says.

    On Monday, a person was arrested for the murders of two British men who were found in a burnt-out car in Malmö. The person was reasonably suspected of murder, which is the lower level of suspicion.

    – That person was released yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, says Pettersson.

    At the same time, two more people were arrested. They were arrested later on Wednesday as reasonably suspected of the murders, but have now also been released.

    – It’s the same here. No suspicions have been ruled out, but at the moment I don’t think there are grounds for arrest for any of them.

    Pettersson states that the picture of what happened has become clear – despite the fact that the recent deprivation of liberty did not lead to any arrests.

    A person has already been detained for aiding and abetting the murders.

    It was on July 14 this year that two people were found dead in a burned-out car in an industrial area in Malmö. Shortly afterwards, two Britons were reported missing in Sweden.

  • Billström (M) on the resignation: “There are no particular contradictions”

    Yesterday, Tobias Billström (M) announced that he is leaving his post as foreign minister.

    Information has subsequently emerged that there was a conflict between him and Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M).

    – The Government Office is one big process. I wouldn’t say there are any particular contradictions. There are always discussions, but there is nothing in those discussions that specifically played a role in the decision I made, says Billström to SVT.

    The main reason why the foreign minister is resigning is that he wanted to appoint a new cabinet secretary, but was refused by the prime minister, according to information given to Aftonbladet.

    Something that Billström now refutes in the interview with SVT.

    – I want to emphasize that it had no bearing on my decision, says the outgoing foreign minister.

  • Loose dog on E20

    A dog has come onto the E20 between the Folkesta and Marielund traffic stops in the direction of Stockholm, writes the Swedish Transport Administration.

    It must have a “major impact” on traffic.

    The forecast for when traffic is no longer affected is set for 12:00, but is subject to change.

  • Over 100 patients had the wrong hpv results sent to them

    Over 100 patients in the Östergötland region have received incorrect test results from HPV tests for cervical cancer, report Corren.

    The affected women have had another person’s test results sent to their digital mailboxes after doing a screening.

    – We know what has happened and will conduct a thorough incident analysis to ensure that it does not happen again. We have also sent out a personal letter to all the people who have been affected, says Henrik Schildt, IT director in Region Östergötland, to the newspaper.

    A total of 103 people have been affected.

    The fault is believed to lie with a subcontractor who manages the region’s dispatch.

    – We are extremely unhappy about what has happened. One of our core missions must be to handle sensitive personal data securely. But the damage is done and now we are working on trying to deal with it, says Henrik Schildt to Corren.

  • Amnesty: Israel has razed eastern Gaza to the ground

    An Israeli armored car and a military bulldozer return to Israel from the Gaza Strip. Picture taken in February. Photo: Tsafrir Abayov/AP/TT

    With bulldozers and explosives, Israel has demolished residential buildings, agricultural land, schools and mosques in eastern Gaza, according to Amnesty.

    “The houses have not been destroyed by intense fighting. Rather, Israel’s military has deliberately destroyed the area after they took control of the zone,” says the organization’s Erika Guevara-Rosas in a report.

    Amnesty calls for an investigation into Israeli war crimes for what the organization calls “reckless destruction and collective punishment”.

    Israel has repeatedly said it is destroying “terrorist infrastructure” to protect communities on the Israeli side of the Gaza fence.

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