Boy’s first name 2025: “multicultural first names still in fashion” in this top 20 for boys

Boys first name 2025 multicultural first names still in fashion

Gabriel, Raphaël, Léo…Here are the top 3 trendy boys’ names in 2025 according to the latest version of the Official First Names (First editions). Ranking.

THE ranking of trendy boys’ first names for 2025 is revealed. The top 3 keeps the same first names as last year with different places between Raphaël and Léo. This year, we still find a strong trend for multicultural first names which are all the rage. “Angel or messenger, Gabriel, at the confluence of the three monotheistic religions, is exemplary in this matter” note Stéphanie Rapoport and Claire Tabarly Perrin, the authors of the Officiel des Prénoms published on September 5, 2024 by Fisrt editions.

© Official first names 2025-Editions First

Noah and Adam (in 6th and 7th position) still shine in this top 10 boys. Retro names should also be given to many little boys in 2025 since we find Marceau, in 20th place, who joins Léo, Léon, Louis and Jules. Boys’ names linked to nature and animals are also present this year, like Léo (lion in Latin) or Lucas (light in Latin). The retro trend also brings back vintage names like Jules, Gabin or Léon. Finally, a boys’ name makes its entry into the top 20: it is the name Elio, referring to the God of the Sun and which rises to 14th place. According to the authors’ predictions, here is the list of the most popular boys’ names for 2025:

  1. Gabriel
  2. Raphael
  3. Leo
  4. Mael
  5. Louis
  6. Noah
  7. Adam
  8. Jules
  9. Eden
  10. Arthur
  11. Isaac
  12. Liam
  13. Sacha
  14. Elio
  15. Nael
  16. Leon
  17. Lucas
  18. Gabin
  19. Mohamed
  20. Marceau

This year, the name Léon should gain a few more places, in particular thanks to the success of Olympic champion Léon Marchand, Stéphanie Rapoport tells us. According to her, two other names could return to the forefront in the coming years: “Aaron and Noé have not said their last word and it is possible that the name Malo will prevail: it has been aiming for this top 20 for a very long time, especially since Breton names work well, like the name Maël” she says.
