Ita Airways, Fit Cisl confirms the strike of September 7: still few certainties

At the A4E Summit in Brussels back and forth between

(Finance) – The union Fit Cisl confirmed it strike September 7 for workers Ita AirwaysThe decision came after the union’s national Air Transport department met to review the airline’s current situation following the European Union’s approval of the acquisition of 41% of the company by Lufthansaboth in terms of evolution strategic both of the so-called remedies indicated by the European Commission itself, not yet defined at the moment, declares the Cisl Transport Federation in a note.

“The only certainty we have is that the future fate of the company, its role within the air transport market and, consequently, the conditions of the staff who will not have to suffer any consequences will be determined by the remedies that the EU will have to validate. penaltyas already happened after the signing of the agreement of 4 July that Ita signed only with some trade union organisations and that Fit-Cisl, together with Ugl Trasporto Aereo, decided not to sign because it was unfair and highly disadvantageous from an economic point of view for the majority of workers. workers and of the workers“, reads the note.

“The floor industrial at the time prepared by Ita will have to be re-examined and redefined in line with the decisions of the European Union and the strategies of the German group that has taken over as the new shareholder, in light of an unexpected but positive and welcome recovery in passenger traffic in the airports Italians. As we have always maintained – underlined Fit-Cisl – the industrial plan will have to foresee an increase in the fleet and the expansion of the commercial offer that will allow a reabsorption in the production cycle of the personnel still on redundancy”.

“This concerns approximately 2,200 resources including ground personnel, staff, maintenance, pilots and flight attendants who, according to the company’s contracts, would and must have priority in entering the company compared to candidates who do not come from Alitalia Cityliner And Alitalia SAI“, he added.

“Furthermore, we cannot ignore the fragilities that have already been reported for some time on the floor management from the point of view of the organization, for example the assignment of work shifts, which have recreated a condition of unease among the staff that is difficult to overcome in the absence of discontinuity with the current management. Problems at the basis of the dispute that led to the proclamation of the strike on Saturday 7 September and which at the moment remains confirmed – the union explained -. In the absence of an immediate reactivation of the negotiating table by the top management of Ita Airways, the mobilizationin spite of ourselves, will continue with more incisive actions but always in compliance with the rules that regulate the exercise of the right to strike, to protect and defend the rights contractual of workers, for a higher quality of lifecommercial offer and higher passenger satisfaction.”
