The La Liga forward was arrested on suspicion of a sexual crime | Sports in a nutshell

The La Liga forward was arrested on suspicion of a

Rafa Mir was arrested on Tuesday. He was released on bail on Wednesday.

Spanish top striker Rafa Mir was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of sexual abuse, the Spanish police announced. Also another soccer player, representing Alcantarilla Pablo Jara was arrested.

In his career, Mir, 27, has represented Valencia and Sevilla in the Spanish Premier League and Wolverhampton in the Premier League, among others. Now he plays in Valencia on loan from Sevilla. Mir has won the Europa League in Seville in spring 2023 and Olympic silver in the ranks of Spain in Tokyo 2021.

Valencia announced being aware of Miri’s arrest. The club said it was cooperating with the authorities.

The duo’s arrest was heard in court on Wednesday and they were released on bail.

According to news agencies, the players had been partying in a nightclub on Saturday. From there they had gone to Miri’s home for the rest, when a 27-year-old and a 21-year-old woman were also there. The women from Miri’s house had gone to the hospital, and later they had filed a criminal complaint against the men.

According to the players’ lawyer, the players deny any wrongdoing and claim that all intercourse with the women was consensual.

Sources: BBC, news agency EFE
