Swedish helicopter crashes in Norway – two to hospital

At 18.30 on Wednesday, a Swedish helicopter crashed in Børgefjell National Park in Norway.

– We tried to contact the pilot by phone, but got no answer. Then they sent out a rescue helicopter from Bodö in Norway, says Anders Lännholm, rescue leader at the Maritime and Air Rescue Centre.

The cause of the accident is unknown, but according to the rescue leader, the pilot tried to make an emergency landing.

– It was probably more or less controlled. But it happened in a national park and there were many hikers outside who saw the incident.

One seriously injured

Two people were on board. They were treated on the spot, but then had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. One of them is seriously injured.

The helicopter belonged to the company Arctic Air, with operations in several places in Västerbotten.

– I have received information from the hospital that it is not about life-threatening injuries and that under the circumstances they should be okay, says Per-Ragnar Viklund at Arctic Air.

According to the air rescue centre, it is a matter of head injuries.

The helicopter was used to transport material in the national park.

A crisis team has been called in.

The text is updated
