These Two Brushing Mistakes Are Making Your Teeth Yellow, According to a Dentist

These Two Brushing Mistakes Are Making Your Teeth Yellow According

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    Having naturally white teeth is quite rare. However, you can prevent them from turning yellow prematurely. Here are two common brushing mistakes to avoid, according to a dentist.

    Coffee, tea, cigarettes… On a daily basis, it is difficult to keep your teeth white and for this, it is essential (or almost) to go through the teeth whitening process. However, to avoid premature yellowing of your teeth, two brushing errors should be avoided, according to Dr. Ferakh Hamid, dentist at Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds (England).

    First mistake: Not wetting your toothbrush

    According to the dentist who confides in Daily Mailmany people make two mistakes when brushing their teeth that promote yellowing.

    The first mistake is not wetting your toothbrush before using it. People who do this think that their brushing will be more effective, but in reality, dry brushing makes teeth duller and, by extension, more yellow, according to Dr. Hamid. “Before you start brushing, it’s a good idea to wet your toothbrush. This little gesture makes it easier to spread the toothpaste over all your teeth, making cleaning more effective.” he explained.Dry brushing may seem good for getting rid of surface stains at first, but without water, the toothpaste doesn’t spread well, making teeth appear dull.”.

    Mistake 2: Brushing your teeth after drinking an acidic drink

    The second mistake is brushing your teeth too soon after consuming an acidic drink, such as fruit juice, wine or soda. These drinks weaken tooth enamel and make it more yellow. “This reveals the yellower layer underneath the enamel – the dentin – and makes your teeth visually more yellow” warns the dentist.

    To avoid this, it is best to wait a while after eating acidic foods before brushing your teeth, making sure that your e-mail stay strong and may your teeth stay healthy.” The waiting time is at least one hour, to allow the enamel to restore itself.

    Do not rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.

    Finally, remember that after brushing your teeth, you should not rinse your mouth.The idea is to prolong the effects of the toothpaste beyond brushing and not get rid of these ingredients. But if we rinse our mouth with water immediately after brushing, we do not prolong anything, and we deprive ourselves of the benefits of the toothpaste, it is a mistake that we all make” revealed Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and director of Doctissimo.

    Now you know how to take care of your teeth, so that they are healthy and as white as possible!

    10 tips for having white teeth

    Slideshow: 10 tips for having white teeth
