To counter the worrying decline in the birth rate in France, a sociologist has raised the idea of ​​setting up a new CAF aid. A measure that could help singles take out a premium subscription on dating sites.

To counter the worrying decline in the birth rate in

To counter the worrying decline in the birth rate in France, a sociologist has raised the idea of ​​setting up a new CAF aid. A measure that could help singles take out a premium subscription on dating sites.

This is an unusual initiative, but a very serious one. For several years, the birth rate in France has been in free fall. For the first half of 2024, for example, there will be a drop of 2.4% compared to the same period the previous year. Faced with this increasingly worrying situation, experts have considered measures to boost the birth rate. Among them is Julien Damon, associate professor at Sciences Po, former director of studies at the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) and author of the book The battles of birth rate at Éditions de l’Aube. Recently, the sociologist has in fact proposed setting up new financial aid from the CAF to encourage singles to register on dating sites.

CAF check for dating sites: state aid to boost birth rate

Very often, users of dating sites such as Tinder, Meetic, Fruitz or Happn use the free versions of the applications. An interesting strategy for the wallet, but which does not really optimize meetings. Because, yes, these applications all offer paid versions that allow you to drastically increase the chances of meeting your soul mate. This is the reason why sociologist Julien Damon, who confided in an interview with The Expresson August 25, raised the idea of ​​creating “a major public dating service, in addition to or replacing sites like Meetic or Tinder”The French government could also set up a “check” or vouchers, distributed by the CAF, to finance subscriptions on this type of platform – which can go up to several hundred euros per month – to encourage single people to register there.

“For fans of old-school flirting, the government could also support bars, restaurants and gyms that organize meeting times.”added the specialist. To support his remarks, Julien Damon also explained that the CAF could finance “marriage counseling, for single individuals, with or without children, who wish to embark on an adventure together“. “The CAF already funds family mediation in the event of separation. Why wouldn’t they fund marriage counseling?”he added. In the coming months, singles could thus meet people with the blessing of the State. It is difficult to know whether this idea will find a favorable echo with the Government and the CAF, but it at least has the advantage of originality!
