New wave of feared debris balloons over South Korea

New wave of feared debris balloons over South Korea


  • New wave of feared debris balloons over South Korea

    Debris from balloons sent from North Korea is being cleaned up in South Korea. Archive image. Photo: Park Dong-joo/AP/TT

    South Korea states that North Korea has again sent so-called junk balloons towards South Korean territory. Suspicious debris balloons, often filled with pieces of cloth, cigarette butts, manure and other debris, have been spotted north of the capital Seoul.

    The Seoul city government is urging residents to stay indoors and be aware of falling objects.

    In recent weeks, North Korea has sent thousands of balloons against South Korea in a long, intense battle against the neighboring people. Activists in South Korea have simultaneously sent leaflets with propaganda critical of the regime in Pyongyang.


  • Ancient triumphal arch at the Colosseum damaged by lightning

    Work to save the Arch of Constantine in Rome on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Medichini/AP/TT

    The Arch of Constantine in Rome, one of the city’s triumphal arches, has been damaged in a violent thunderstorm.

    Fragments of the ancient structure – erected in 315 – were detached when struck by lightning. The exact extent of the damage is unclear, but the pieces were immediately collected from the street and work to restore the arch began.

    The Arch of Constantine was erected in memory of Emperor Constantine’s victory over Maxentius at the Bridge of Pons Milvius in 312. The 20 meter high arch is located between the Colosseum and the Palatine Hill in Rome.

    The thunderstorm also felled trees and flooded streets in the Italian capital.

  • Hottest September day ever in Sweden

    During the day, 30.5 degrees were measured at the measuring station in Helsingborg according to

    This means that today is the warmest September day ever in Sweden’s history.

    – It has never been thirty degrees on the thermometer in September ever in Sweden, says Klart’s meteorologist Lasse Rydqvist.

    In Horn the temperature reached 29.6 and in Målilla 29.2.

  • Parents in a fight at primary school in Malmö

    On Wednesday afternoon, the police went to a primary school in central Malmö after reports of a fight.

    – It is mainly adults who have been involved. Relatives of students at the school have started fighting in the schoolyard for some reason, says police spokesperson Jimmy Modin.

    There are no reports of anyone being seriously injured.

    – We are on site with staff who can find out what happened, says Jimmy Modin.

  • Smoke development from aircraft at Landvetter

    There is smoke from a plane at Landvetter Airport.

    The emergency services are on site.

    The alarm came in at 2:15 p.m.

    The text is updated.

  • Volvo Cars scraps electric car targets

    Volvo Cars is reducing its ambition to only sell electric cars. Archive photography Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

    The car manufacturer Volvo Cars scraps its goal of a fully electrified car range by 2030. The new goal is for 90-100 percent of the global sales volume to be electrified by 2030, the company writes in a press release.

  • Single accident on E22 – elderly woman to hospital

    A passenger car has been involved in a single-person accident on the E22 at the height of Lindsdal in the southbound direction.

    The alarm came in just before 2 p.m., and according to information to the police, the car was on its roof.

    The driver, a 75-year-old woman, was taken from the scene by ambulance.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    Traffic is open in one northbound lane, and soon one southbound lane will also open.

    The car must be towed at the scene.

  • Power outages in hospitals – ambulances are rerouted

    A power outage occurred at Danderyd Hospital, north of Stockholm, earlier today.

    “Today at noon, a planned reserve power test was carried out at the hospital. In connection with the test, there was an extensive power outage at Danderyd hospital, but parts of the power have since returned,” writes Marianne Lagerbielke, press officer at the hospital.

    Why the blackout occurred is still unclear, and three extra backup power plants have been deployed.

    “For safety reasons, we continue to divert ambulances to other emergency hospitals in the Stockholm Region,” writes Marianne Lagerbielke.

    There should be no danger to the patients treated at the hospital.

    Update: All power is back at the hospital now.

  • Details: Suspected hand grenade found

    A suspected dangerous object has been found in Märsta centre, according to information to Aftonbladet.

    According to the information, it was a cleaner who found the object, and it is suspected that it may be a hand grenade.

    The police confirm that they have an operation at the scene, but do not want to say what it is about yet.

    – We have patrols in place there now, says Helena Boström Thomas, press spokesperson for the Stockholm police.

    According to information, the national bomb protection has been alerted to the scene.

  • Streams after the school shooting: “Especially serious”

    Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer is now commenting on the shooting at Trångsund School.

    – I take the incident very seriously. It is particularly serious when acts of violence take place at a school, says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer.

    – The police are currently investigating what happened. The Ministry of Justice is in constant contact with the Police Authority, he also says.

    Read more here.

  • Power outage at Danderyd hospital

    Danderyd hospital has a power outage, according to the hospital’s press department for TV4.

    The intensive care unit receives power for emergency systems from a battery backup.

    – All hospitals have backup batteries, so there is no danger for patients. But it could be that elevators are standing still, says Marianne Lagerbielke, press officer at the hospital to TV4.

    Power is expected to be back on in 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Boys struck by lightning have left intensive care

    The two teenage boys who suffered serious injuries after the lightning strike on Lidingö are doing better, the Karolinska hospital says for P4 Stockholm.

    They have had to leave the intensive care unit.

    It was on August 30 that several people were struck by lightning.

  • Government failures and “rogue” companies behind the Grenfell Towers fire

    The Grenfell Tower fire was caused by a chain of failures by various governments, “dishonest” companies and a lack of strategy by the fire service. This is according to an investigation presented today, reports Sky News.

    72 people died in the Grenfell Tower fire on June 14, 2017. An interim report released in 2019 concluded that the main reason why the fire had such devastating consequences was that the 24-story apartment building’s facade was not built according to the rules.

    The same report concluded that the emergency services did not function optimally. Some early emergency calls from residents were not handled properly, and not all firefighters had been trained in how the materials used in the facade would perform in a fire. Residents had been instructed to remain in their apartments, and that strategy should have been abandoned sooner.

  • Support for victims of prostitution and violence

    Support lines for women exposed to violence are strengthened in next year’s budget. Archive image. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

    The government is strengthening support for people who want to leave prostitution or are exposed to human trafficking.

    Support lines for victims of violence also receive extra money.

    In the budget for 2025, support for those exposed to prostitution is increased by SEK 10 million.

    The pressure on helplines for victims of violence is extremely high and many callers never get through. Especially during nights and evenings, many people hang up before they get to the front of the queue.

    To strengthen the support lines, the National Center for Women’s Peace (NCK) at Uppsala University, which, among other things, runs the Women’s Peace Line, receives SEK 7 million per year for the years 2025 to 2027.

    The government will present the budget bill for 2025 in its entirety on 19 September.

  • Organizations: The white whale Hvaldimir was shot

    The white whale Hvaldimir is fed with fish in April 2019. Photo: Jorgen Ree Wiig/Fishkeridirektoratet via AP/TT

    The white whale Hvaldimir was shot to death, claim the organizations One Whale and Noah.

    The animal rights movements have filed a police report regarding the whale’s death, they state in a press release.

    “I have spent a lot of time with Hvaldimir in the last five years and know him very well. So when I saw his body and the many injuries, I could immediately see that he was killed by gunshots,” says Regina Haug at One Whale, according to Norwegian media.

    The press release contains images that allegedly show a bullet hole in Hvaldimir.

    He was found dead on Saturday in the water outside Stavanger, Norway. He underwent an autopsy on Monday, but according to Norwegian TV 2, the report is only expected in three weeks.

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