Launched discreetly a few years ago, SpaceHey has just surpassed one million users. With its old-school design, this social network brings back fond memories for fans of MySpace and blogs from the 2000s.

Launched discreetly a few years ago SpaceHey has just surpassed

Launched discreetly a few years ago, SpaceHey has just surpassed one million users. With its old-school design, this social network brings back fond memories for fans of MySpace and blogs from the 2000s.

When we talk about social networks, we immediately think of market giants such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat or TikTok. However, there are other successful platforms, but which remain less known to the general public. Among them, we find SpaceHeya social network created in 2020 during the lockdown period by Anton Röhm. The young man, aged 18, had indeed taken on a crazy challenge: to program a platform with a retro look in homage to MySpace. At the time, the one who had just left high school had no ambition other than to perfect his coding skills and pass the time during the health crisis. To his great surprise, Anton Röhm saw his social network experience a real craze since those nostalgic for MySpace and blogs from the early 2000s literally fell under its spell.

SpaceHey: the platform exceeds one million users

In a press release Recently published on his social network, Anton Röhm also revealed that he had reached one million users. “SpaceHey has indeed become a big site. A million people is an incredibly large number of people – it’s just crazy! I’m incredibly grateful for all the support I’ve received over the last three and a half years, for the friends I’ve made along the way, and for the lessons I’ve learned, both in terms of running a community and running a business.”he wrote, more proud than ever. If SpaceHey has been so successful, it is in particular because it offers the possibility of changing the HTML and CSS code of your personal page in order to personalize it according to your tastes. The site is all the more pleasant to use because there are no trackers, no cookies and no personalized advertising. The platform also stands out for its simplicity and its absence of likes and the race for the best engagement rate.

“I created SpaceHey so my generation could experience the early days of social media – without feeds, likes and the like – but instead with colorful, customizable profiles, bulletins and forums”Anton Röhm clarified in his message. Despite the success, the young developer does not intend to compete with the giants of the market, preferring to remain faithful to his community of nostalgics. “SpaceHey’s mission is […] to be different. More personal, more fun to use and more human,” he added. Although SpaceHey remains an old school platform, offering a forum and a newsletter system, Anton Röhm continues to work on it, in particular to improve the fluidity of the interface, correct some bugs, but also to optimize user security.
