Hasse Wallin’s death – passed away after a period of illness

Hasse Wallins death passed away after a period of

The ice hockey world is in mourning, the former ice hockey player Hasse Wallin has passed away after a period of illness, the ice hockey club HV71 announced on Wednesday.

Became 69 years old

Wallin went, according to SVTto HV71 for the 1976/1977 season from Djurgården. He spent twelve seasons at the club and scored 553 points in 463 games.

“Be a great person”

Fredrik Stillman is an assistant coach in HV71 and he has spoken to SVT about Hasse Wallin.

– Hasse was a fantastic person, who helped me a lot when I came up to the A team as a 15-year-old. He was a bit like a father, not only to me, but to many of the young players in the team.
