The chairman of Vaasan Sport changes: Heikki Hiltunen leaves his position | Sport

The chairman of Vaasan Sport changes Heikki Hiltunen leaves his

The general meeting on Wednesday will decide on the new chairman.

16:29•Updated 16:45

Vaasan Sport will elect a new chairman for the club’s board at Wednesday’s general meeting. Started in the club in 2008 Heikki Hiltunen leave his job.

Hiltunen continues as the club’s second largest shareholder.

– I have been the chairman of the board of Sport’s companies since autumn 2008. We have achieved three championships in Mestis and promotion to the League. We have also renovated the hall and prepared a new sports strategy. In addition, we have expanded the board and ownership base and renewed the operational organization, the list is on Hiltune’s club website.

Hiltunen, who is the chairman of the Ice Hockey SM League, sees that the time has come to hand the baton to the next one.

– I feel that now is the right time for the new chairman and the board to continue the development of Liigakieko with strong local forces. I want to thank you all for your support and cooperation over the years.

Hiltuse has a long career in the technology industry. He started as CEO of the technology company Tellabs in Finland in 2000. He moved to Vacon in Vaasa as head of sales and marketing in 2002.

Hiltunen became CEO of iLOQ on August 1, 2017.
