Is Your Partner Sincere? 8 Signs He’s Not Honest, According to Science

Is Your Partner Sincere 8 Signs Hes Not Honest According

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    It’s never easy to admit that your partner isn’t being completely honest with you… If you suspect that this might be the case, here are eight subtle signs that should alert you.

    Is your partner being dishonest with you, or is your imagination playing tricks on you? It can be hard to tell the difference. Here are eight subtle signs, according to science, that will prove it to you.

    As the saying goes, the eyes are the mirror to the soul. Eye contact is thus a powerful form of nonverbal communication. Eyes have the power to signal trust, respect and honesty between two partners. If your partner avoids your gaze, it can therefore show a lack of honesty towards you.

    His stories are too detailed

    You may know this: a person who lies will tend to give a lot of details while telling a simple story, the goal being to make it credible and convincing. If you notice that your partner goes too far in telling what he does in your absence, be wary.

    Your partner touches their face a lot

    The science of nonverbal communication explains that touching your face, especially your nose, is a sign of lying. In fact, this is because lying causes stress. This causes increased blood flow to the extremities, including the nose. This can cause a tingling sensation, making you want to touch your face or nose.

    Your partner changes the way he expresses himself

    This change is usually subtle, but if you know your significant other well, you will notice it. People who are dishonest with you will tend to speak more quickly, stutter, or punctuate their speech with hesitations. Indeed, lying requires an effort for our brain and this can manifest itself in speech.

    Your partner avoids certain topics

    Honest communication is the heart of any strong relationship. When your partner starts avoiding certain topics or becomes evasive, it can be a subtle sign of dishonesty.

    For example, if your partner feels uncomfortable every time you bring up his recent late nights at work or his new friendship that seems to be taking up a lot of his time, it might be a sign that he’s not being completely honest with you.

    Your partner is on the defensive

    A partner who is constantly on the defensive can be a subtle sign of his dishonesty. And this defensiveness could be a way to distract from his dishonest behavior toward you.

    Your partner has inconsistent body language

    Body language speaks louder than words. And if your partner’s body language doesn’t match what they’re saying, it could be a sign that they’re being dishonest. For example, they might say everything’s fine, but they’ve got their arms crossed, their eyebrows furrowed, and they’re avoiding your gaze.

    Your partner changes character

    The most telling sign of all might be a sudden change in character. You know your partner better than anyone. If he or she starts to change, it’s a warning sign.

    Generally speaking, if you sense a change in your partner’s behavior or your gut tells you that something is wrong, you should take the time to think about it and understand why you feel this way. Trust your instincts and start a heart-to-heart conversation with him or her, if necessary.

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