Manelli Impresa obtains €20 million ESG financing for the “My City Bari” project

Manelli Impresa obtains E20 million ESG financing for the My

(Telestock) – BPER supports the completion of the project MyCityBari with a green mortgage aligned with the European taxonomy of‘amount of 20 million euros, for a duration of 4 years. The real estate initiative will guarantee high energy performance, offering high levels of comfort and innovation to buyers. These characteristics have allowed BPER to propose the product “Green Real Estate Corporate” in support of an initiative with high sustainability and environmental protection characteristics certified by independent technical consultants who attest to the requirements.

The funding was granted in favor of the company Vivia Re Srl, 100% controlled by Manelli Impresa dedicated to real estate activities and which manages the Bari project, which represents a unique innovation in the South of our country.

The project – MyCityBari involves the construction by 2026 of an innovative residential complex of 22,500 square meters in Bari between via Giuseppe Fanelli and via Girolamo Giusso, in the south-east quadrant of the city, with 162 high-quality apartments of various sizes. The complex also boasts 9,400 m2 of green areas and is characterized by a high level of sustainability both in terms of the materials used and the insertion of the project into the urban and social context. The lot, whose construction began in October 2023 and sees Manelli Impresa collaborating with the architecture firm Mario Cucinella Architects, restores a central role to nature and socialization to generate a positive impact on the well-being of users.

The complex also includes a wellness park, to encourage physical and sporting activity, a playground and a concierge service. Manelli Impresa has built the structures of 2 underground floors and 2 above ground floors (there are 7 floors in total), and has sold several housing units while another part of the accommodations has already been optioned.

Onofrio (Sergio) Manelli, CEO of Manelli Impresa SpAstated: “We feel particularly dear to the MyCity Bari project, protagonist of a redevelopment in the name of energy sustainability but also environmental and social. We are convinced of the great potential of this project, which will have a positive impact on the economic development of the territory and at the same time, will contribute to raising the quality of life of citizens, residents and those who choose to buy a property in Bari, a city with strong foreign appeal and chosen by large companies investing in the Apulian capital. We are therefore extremely happy that Bper Banca also shares our vision and that the fruit of the partnership has materialized in an ESG loan. The loan represents further confirmation of the validity of our sustainability roadmap and of the commitment made by the entire company to be increasingly sustainable, for ourselves and for our customers”.

Salvatore Pulignano, head of the Campania Puglia Basilicata Molise Regional Directorate, adds: “For some time now, at BPER, we have been paying maximum attention to the issue of redevelopment of the Italian real estate assets. We wanted to support the MyCityBari project for its high energy performance characteristics, for thehigh degree of innovation, for environmental protection and for the important urban contribution to the city of Bari. The operation, specifically, was possible thanks to the Green Immobiliare Corporate product, with which we are supporting companies in the Italian territory that want to invest in sustainability and innovation”.
