New rules at Arlanda – now the prices are shockingly increased

New rules at Arlanda now the prices are shockingly

From September 1, 2024, new travel rules began to apply throughout the EU.

When Terminal 5 at Arlanda was completed in the summer of 2023, passengers were free to bring large luggage and large bottles of liquid through the security check – something that has now been banned again.

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Now only liquid containers of a maximum of 100 milliliters apply if you want to get past the security check with everything intact.

“Currently, it is Terminal 5 at Arlanda and Sälen Airport that has this equipment and is affected by the rule change,” wrote the Swedish Transport Agency’s press officer Carolina Häggkvistin another email News24 when.

This means that anyone who finds themselves thirsty at Arlanda Airport must buy a water bottle on the spot after the security check.

READ MORE: New travel rules from 1 September – you have to think about that

150 percent more expensive for water and soft drinks at Arlanda

This has resulted in an unwelcome price increase at the airport’s various shops.

A investigation from the comparison site Zmarta shows that the price of drinks, more specifically mineral water and soft drinks, at Arlanda after the security check is 150 percent higher than the drinks found in regular grocery stores in Stockholm city.

Nyheter24 has spoken to Ola Söderlindhousehold economist at Zmarta, about the price at the airport.

– The fact that the prices are significantly higher at the airport is due to two things, he says and continues:

– Number one is because you can, because the competition is limited. Number two is that airports are a high-security zone, which means that even food and drink must be checked before it is brought in. This means that it can be more time-consuming to deliver goods here, and time is money.

Photo: Judit Nilsson / SvD / TT.

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The household economist’s tip: “Cheaper to buy it in…”

According to Zmarta’s research, a bottle of 50 centiliters of mineral water costs an average of SEK 34 in supermarkets and SEK 38 in restaurants in Arlanda, which can be compared to the price of a bottle of the same size in a grocery store in Stockholm City: SEK 13.

– If you still need water before going through the security check, it is cheaper to buy it in a grocery store before going out to the airport itself, Söderlind tells Nyheter24.

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