Wants to arrest Venezuela’s opposition – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet

Wants to arrest Venezuelas opposition Latest news fast


  • Wants to arrest Venezuela’s opposition

    The oppositionEdmundo González Urrutia at a demonstration in July. Photo: Cristian Hernandez/AP/TT

    Venezuelan authorities have requested an arrest warrant for opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

    The announcement comes just over a month after the disputed presidential election, which both the opposition and incumbent President Nicolás Maduro claim to have won.

    The prosecutor seeking the arrest warrant states several different charges against Gonzáles Urrutia: Among other things, conspiracy, falsification of documents and unjustified usurpation of power.


  • Several shot at carnival in New York

    Several people have been shot at and near a parade in Brooklyn, New York, police said, according to several local media.

    The parade in question is “West Indian American Day”.

    It is an annual carnival celebrating Caribbean culture.

    It is not yet clear how many people were hit by gunfire. Four have been found so far, but it is suspected that there may be more.

    Last year, two were shot during the parade. Another was stabbed.

    The four injured who have been found so far will all survive, according to information to local media.

  • New world record: 83 sausages in 10 minutes

    Joey Chestnut from a previous contest. Photo: John Minchillo/AP

    Joey Chestnut broke the world record in pork eating today. The American ate 83 hot dogs in 10 minutes.

    With that, he broke his old record of 76 hot dogs.

    The record was set in a competition against Takeru Kobayashi. The Japanese legend ate 66 hot dogs.

    The competition was broadcast on Netflix and USA Today reported live the proceedings.

    In addition to the honor, Joey Chestnut also won a check for $100,000.

    In the victory interview, he paid tribute to his Japanese opponent.

    – I have been trying to reach 80 sausages for several years and without Kobayashi I would never have made it, said the winner.

  • A man has fallen from a window – one arrested

    Police on site. Photo: Blue light images

    For an unknown reason, a man has fallen from a window at a hotel in southern Stockholm.

    The man is taken to hospital by ambulance.

    A person has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

    The police work at the scene by, among other things, talking to witnesses and knocking on doors.

  • Ebba Busch on the criticism of wind power: “Other calculations add up”

    Aftonbladet has today reported that Vattenfall is pausing the Kriegers Flak project.

    It is a wind farm outside Trelleborg, which could have produced electricity for 500,000 homes, which, according to Vattenfall’s CEO, had led to lower electricity prices in southern Sweden.

    But when the tidal agreement stipulates that the wind companies themselves must pay for the connection to the main grid, the calculation does not add up, according to Vattenfall.

    Ebba Busch now speaks Today’s Industry that it is “unfortunate that individual projects find it difficult to cover their costs”.

    “On May 15, 2023, the government gave permission to the wind farms Galene (OX2) and Kattegatt Syd (Vattenfall), both of which are located off the coast of Halland. Both of these projects seem to be progressing according to plan, which shows that other calculations can add up,” says Ebba Busch.

  • UN experts: Iran has executed more than 400 this year

    Women in Paris demonstrate against Iran’s many death sentences. Archive image. Photo: Laurent Cipriani/AP/TT

    More than 400 people have been executed in Iran this year, according to a panel of 11 independent UN experts.

    In the month of August alone, at least 81 people were executed, an increase from the 45 executions reported in July, according to the UN experts. About half of those killed in August had been convicted of drug offences.

    Apart from China, Iran executes more people than any other country, according to human rights organizations such as Amnesty International.

    Those sentenced to death have rarely received a fair trial, according to the UN group.

  • Netanyahu: “I ask for forgiveness”

    Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Photo: Ronen Zvulun / TT NEWS AGENCY

    Benjamin Netanyahu is under a lot of pressure in Israel after six people held hostage by Hamas have been killed. The last few days have been characterized by strikes and massive protests.

    The Prime Minister says at a press conference that the most important thing is that the country stands united against the enemy Hamas.

    – We face an enemy who wants to exterminate each and every one of us.

    Netanyahu says he has spoken with several family members of the slain hostages.

    – I said to the families, I ask for your forgiveness because we did not manage to get them home alive. We were close, but we didn’t succeed, says Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Sky News direct report.

    Repeatedly, Netanyahu said that Hamas must be eradicated. And that those still held hostage should be brought home to safety.

  • US seizes Maduro’s plane

    Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. Archive image. Photo: Ariana Cubillos/AP/TT

    The United States announces that it has seized Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s plane in the Dominican Republic, and then flown it to Florida.

    Attorney General Merrick Garland says the plane was illegally purchased through a shell company and then smuggled out of the United States, to be used by Maduro and people associated with him.

    According to CNN, the plane has been in the Dominican Republic in recent months and has been used by Maduro for state visits around the world.

    The situation in Venezuela has been uneasy since the country went to elections on July 28.

    Both incumbent President Nicolás Maduro and the opposition declared themselves victorious, and the ensuing unrest has so far claimed 27 lives. Almost 200 people have been injured and around 2,400 have been arrested.

    Maduro’s claim to electoral victory has been questioned by several Latin American countries, the US and the EU.

  • Child hit by car – taken to hospital

    A child has been hit in central Helsingborg on Monday afternoon, writes P4 Malmö house.

    The child was taken by ambulance to hospital and complained of pain in the legs.

    A 55-year-old man, who drove the car, is suspected of causing bodily harm.

  • Suicide bombers kill several in Kabul

    A person in Kabul has detonated explosives that the person was carrying on his body, according to police in the Afghan capital.

    “Unfortunately, six civilians were killed, including a woman, and 13 others were injured,” writes police spokesperson Khalid Zadran on X.

    Afghanistan has long been hit hard by terrorist violence, but in recent months it has been relatively calm on that front in the Taliban-ruled country.

    No group has yet claimed responsibility for Monday’s attack.

  • Britain restricts arms exports to Israel

    Britain will stop exporting some military equipment to Israel, as it is not considered possible to ensure that the equipment is not used in violation of humanitarian law in Gaza.

    About 30 licenses for the export of weapons are affected, says Foreign Minister David Lammy according to The Telegraph. This applies, among other things, to airplanes, drones and helicopters, according to the British newspaper.

    The decision is made according to the current regulations for export licenses, which prohibit exports if there is a risk that they will be used for violations of humanitarian law.

  • Then Svennis is buried

    Sven-Göran “Svennis” Eriksson photographed in April this year. Archive image. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

    Sven-Göran “Svennis” Eriksson will be buried on September 13 in Fryksände church in Torsby, Värmland.

    Eriksson died on August 26 in his home at Björkefors outside Sunne, aged 76, after a long illness.

    The funeral is followed by a musical procession to Kollsberg’s homestead where speeches will be made.

  • Three girls to hospital after traffic accident

    A truck and a four-wheeler collided outside Ljusdal just before 12:30.

    Three 15-year-old girls, who were traveling on the four-wheeler, have been taken to hospital.

    – It should not be about life-threatening injuries, but probably varying injuries, says Magnus Jansson Klarin, press spokesperson at the police.

    The truck driver, a 55-year-old man, was uninjured.

    According to the police, the four-wheeler drove into the side of the truck.

    The police are investigating the cause of the accident.

    – We have got a better picture of what has happened, but it is not something I want to go out with at the moment, says Jansson Klarin.

    The text is updated.

  • Princess Sofia is pregnant

    Princess Sofia is pregnant with their fourth child, the princely couple writes on the Royal House’s website.

    The baby is expected to arrive in February 2025.

    The press release states that the princess is doing well and that no changes are expected in her program during the fall.

    Read more here.

  • Secrecy must be able to be dismantled according to the new proposal

    Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) at the press conference with special investigator Göran Lundahl. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

    Criminal gangs and welfare crime must be stopped by removing privacy barriers. It is proposed in the new partial report that is handed over to Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M).

    The investigation proposes that a new general non-confidential provision be introduced. In other words, secrecy around an individual’s personal or financial circumstances should not put an end to information being provided between authorities.

    The exchange of data must be possible if it can contribute to discovering or investigating incorrect payments or to investigating and countering criminal activity.

    According to Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer, there is a great need for a change.

    The changes to the law are proposed to enter into force on 1 September 2025.

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