Sarah Sjöström’s ugly tricks to make it to Duplanti’s party

Sarah Sjostroms ugly tricks to make it to Duplantis party

Armand Duplantis performance these days is something you don’t want to miss. At the end of the summer, Mondo managed two world records, one during the Olympics in Paris and one at the Diamond League in Silesia.

Armand Duplanti’s relationship with Sarah Sjöström

Mondo Duplantis and Sarah Sjostrom are two of Sweden’s hottest athletes right now. But what kind of relationship do they really have with each other?

READ MORE: Sarah Sjöström and Duplanti’s private relationship: “Dinners…”

Armand Duplantis and Sarah Sjöström’s unexpected gift after the 2024 Olympics in Paris

Becoming an Olympic gold medalist has its advantages, partly there is the pride, the money, but in this case it also contributed to something all the more surprising.

READ MORE: Duplantis and Sjöström’s unlikely gift after the 2024 Olympics

Sarah Sjöström’s sacrifice to see Mondo pole vault

Getting hold of tickets to the athletics during the summer Olympics has proven to be a difficult task. News24 wrote, among other things, that Duplantis himself had to pay for the tickets when his friends and family wanted to see him jump.

READ MORE: Crazy sum: This is how much Duplantis pays for the party night

Now reveals DN that even Sarah Sjöström had to buy her own ticket to attend Mondo’s final session. Sjöström also told that she made a big sacrifice when she left early from the Olympic event “walk of fame”.

– However, it dragged on for as long as it took, and after just over two hours I asked how much longer it would take. When they said it would take another half hour, I didn’t dare wait any longer because I wanted to be sure to see all of Mondo’s jumps.

Sjöström fills in:

– I had a ticket but it wasn’t a particularly good seat so I thought I’d show my accreditation to see if there was a possibility of getting a seat closer to the pole vault thanks to it. It didn’t help me one bit though, and I don’t know what came over me but then I showed the gold medals. They were in the bag because I would have worn them during the celebration that didn’t happen.

“If I wanted…”

Sarah Sjöström solved the problem by showing off her gold medal and continues.

– I probably could have gone down from the stands and sat next to Mondo if I had wanted to.

It can be inferred that Sjöström was probably happy with his decision to rush to see Mondo’s jump.

READ MORE: Duplantis on the relationship with Ingemar Stenmark: “Have said…”
