To be more satisfied in your life, practice a creative hobby

To be more satisfied in your life practice a creative

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    It is not always easy to be satisfied with the life we ​​lead. However, certain factors can help us to be happier in our daily lives. A British study, published in the journal Frontiers, presents a new avenue of insight.

    Researchers affiliated with Anglia Ruskin University have found that an individual’s life satisfaction is not only influenced by their age, health or standard of living, but also by their ability to be creative. They came to this surprising conclusion after drawing on data from the annual “Taking Part” survey, conducted by the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport. It involved 7,182 people aged over 16.

    In the survey, respondents were asked to rate various aspects of their well-being on a 10-point scale. They were also asked whether they had engaged in a creative activity (painting, ceramics, etc.) in the past 12 months—which was the case for 37.4% of them.

    It turns out that people who express their creativity through painting, embroidery or pottery are more convinced that life is worth living than those who do not engage in artistic activity.The positive effects [des activités créatives] on well-being exist even after taking into account factors such as employment status and level of deprivation. It appears that creative hobbies contribute positively to our well-being beyond these other aspects of life“, says Dr. Helen Keyes, lead author of the study, in a press release.

    Surprisingly, the researchers noted that life satisfaction was more strongly associated with being involved in an art or craft activity than with having a job.[Créer quelque chose de ses propres mains] “Not only does it give us a sense of accomplishment, it’s also a meaningful way to express ourselves. That’s not always possible in the workplace,” Dr. Helen Keyes said in the same statement.

    If this study does not stipulate which creative activity contributes most to individual well-being, it shows how important it is to cultivate one’s creativity on a daily basis. A good resolution to make (and keep) this back to school.

    Feeling good in your body, feeling good in your head!
