SEK 40,000 in compensation for common allergies – that’s how you do it

SEK 40000 in compensation for common allergies thats how

According to information from The Celiac Association approximately one in three Swedes has celiac disease – an autoimmune chronic disease that affects the small intestine and reacts with inflammation when the sufferer ingests gluten.

Common symptoms are stomach pain, diarrhea and fatigue, and many people live with the problems without ever being diagnosed.

At present, there is no medicine for celiac disease, the sufferer is instead encouraged to follow a gluten-free diet. But what many people with celiac disease don’t know is that you have the right to compensation, which The evening paper Be the first to write about.


The contribution many miss – can save you SEK 600

285,000 Swedes are entitled to an unknown contribution – are you one of them?

Celiac disease in children – then you are entitled to compensation

Håkan Carlssona lawyer at Konsumenternas försäkringsbyrå, tells the newspaper that everyone who is covered by child insurance is entitled to two percent of the insurance amount in compensation.

Child insurance applies up to the age of 25, after which you must take out insurance for adults.

Children under the age of 16 living with celiac disease can also get gluten-free food on prescription – it can be considerably more expensive than other food.

– You pay a lump sum per withdrawal and then get products that should last for three months, says Linus Engqvist Richertacting general secretary of the celiac association, to Aftonbladet.

Celiac disease in adults – then you are entitled to compensation

Adults who want to be reimbursed for their celiac disease need to have taken out sickness insurance and accident insurance. In such cases, like children, you are entitled to two percent of the insurance amount.

– If your insurance amount is set at two million, you will receive, for example, SEK 40,000, says Carlsson to Aftonbladet.

The help varies depending on where you live

How much help the person with celiac disease gets can vary. Some insurance companies do not cover celiac disease in adults at all, even if you have taken out the right type of insurance.

It can also look different in different regions, not least for children who are entitled to gluten-free food on prescription:

– There is a national list of foods that can be printed, but some regions have their own lists. Some regions offer instead of gluten-free food an annual cash grant to people with celiac disease, says Engqvist Richert to Aftonbladet.


The grant can give you SEK 60,000 – that’s how many have applied

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