The police after the night’s bomb alarm: “Placed to be perceived as threatening”

The National Bomb Squad was called in to carry out an investigation of the object, including with the help of a robot and drone. The police were ready at the scene around three o’clock last night.

The object was outside the gate of an apartment building. A report of serious illegal threats has been made. So far, no one has been arrested and there are no suspects.

– We suspect that it may have been placed there to be perceived as threatening. We want to see if it could be a threat to someone in the building, says police spokesperson Katarina Rusin.

Several efforts in a short time

On Thursday evening earlier this week, the police were called to Rosengård. Even then because of a suspected dangerous object. During the night, two objects were found. Hours later, an explosion occurred outside a restaurant in Malmö.

Police say it is too early to say if there is any connection between last week’s alarm in the area and last night’s incident.

The night’s incident is the third bomb alarm for the Malmö police in the past 24 hours.

During Sunday, there were double alarms about dangerous objects in the city. One was judged to be dangerous but not explosive. The other was judged to be completely harmless.
