Morning news September 2

Morning news September 2

Woman stabs man – children at home

A woman is said to have stabbed her partner in their shared home in Hässelby in Stockholm on Sunday evening. Two children were in the apartment during the crime.

Read more about the event here.

“Musikhjälpen” will be held here in December 2024

Now it is clear where “Musikhjälpen” will be held this year. Musikhjälpen is a collaboration between P3 Sveriges Radio, SVT and Radiohjälpen. This year the program will be broadcast from Sundsvall.

Read more about the music aid here.

Man missing – suspected to be dead

A 65-year-old man disappeared during a canoe trip on Övre Hågåsjön in Älvdalen in Dalarna. The search effort is now ending as it is suspected that the man is not alive.

“Unfortunately, we do not believe that this person is alive, so we are ending the rescue operation,” says Peter Persson, officer on duty at the police to TT.

Read more about the event here.
