Bunnik is celebrating its diamond wedding anniversary today, will they add another 60 years to it?

Bunnik is celebrating its diamond wedding anniversary today will they

As of September 1, 1964, the three cores suddenly became one municipality. And that did not go without a fight everywhere, says Werkhoven resident Van Impelen. “The municipal councils of Werkhoven and Odijk were against it. In Werkhoven, there were signs hanging by the road with: ‘Werkhoven, stay independent’. Underneath which was written (probably by residents of Bunnik) ‘you are approaching an underdeveloped area’ and ‘Warhoven’.” In Bunnik, however, there was, with the smallest possible majority, in favor of a municipal reorganization. “That was pushed by the government. They wanted municipalities to merge. The bigger, the more knowledge, the more efficient and decisive those municipalities would become, was the idea.”
