Keep Spiders Out of Your Home With This Kitchen Ingredient We All Have

Keep Spiders Out of Your Home With This Kitchen Ingredient

Here is a really effective solution to prevent spiders from entering your home. This ingredient that you probably already have will act as a natural barrier.

We’ll soon be able to say goodbye to all the little summer critters, but the end of summer also means the arrival of spiders in our homes. They start to enter homes at this time of year because it’s the peak of their breeding season and they’re more likely to wander around looking for other spiders. Most importantly, once the temperature starts to drop, spiders enter homes to find a warm place to shelter during the winter and look for food, because there will be less prey to hunt outside.

Although often harmless, these arachnids frequently arouse an instinctive fear. Their presence in our homes can be a source of stress and nightmares at night, especially for those who suffer from arachnophobia. If you don’t want to come face to face with one of them, now is the time to act. There is a simple, economical, natural and effective solution to repel spiders, without resorting to chemicals: lemon.

© Christine Bird –

Lemon is a citrus fruit that can be found in almost every kitchen. Known for its cleaning properties and pleasant scent, it also has repellent properties against insects, but also spiders. The latter are particularly sensitive to citrus fruits, due to their high citric acid content and the smell it gives off. This smell, which we often find refreshing, is actually unpleasant for spiders.

Citric acid also acts as an irritant to these creatures, causing them to avoid areas where it is present. There are a few different ways you can use lemon to keep small (or large) critters out:

  • Rub lemon peels around areas where spiders are entering your home.
  • Spray a mixture of water and lemon juice on window frames, doors, but also on baseboards and dark corners, places often favored by these arachnids.
  • You can replace the lemon juice with a few drops of lemon essential oil. The essential oil is particularly powerful and can provide prolonged protection against spiders.
  • Place lemon slices in areas where you want to keep spiders out. This method works especially well in pantries, under sinks, or near entryways.
  • Adding lemon juice or lemon essential oil to the water you use to clean your floors or furniture can also help deter spiders from taking up residence.
